Questions tagged [customize]

Use this tag for questions about modifying a particular action or task within Emacs.

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How to share custom-set-variables settings with colleagues?

In my .emacs file, I have some settings that I need to share with my colleagues to ensure that other tools I've shared in a Git repository work correctly. I was thinking of moving these settings to a ...
Gabriele's user avatar
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How to very slightly edit the welcome splash to have a list of files to open in new tabs? [duplicate]

New to emacs, and I want to keep the welcome splash, but with links to a few files to open in a new tab when I click on them. These would include a file for notes I'm making when going through emacs ...
noobidy-doobidy's user avatar
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How do I customize the icons used in nerd-icons package

I'm new to emacs and installed the nerd-icons.el package along with the package nerd-icons dired. The problem is I don't like the icons set as default. Even though i've read the nerd-icons GitHub page,...
RedRocket's user avatar
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Lowering org-pomodoro sound volume

The default "bell.wav" sound file included in the org-pomodoro package that plays when an interval is concluded is much louder than other sounds on my computer. I'm trying to figure out how ...
DJ Trait's user avatar
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Why does customize buffer display "[ State ]: UNKNOWN, you should not see this"?

In a package of my own, namely skel-el, I define a user option skel-el-line1 (well, ok, I'm the only one user) which can be a string, a variable (containing some string) or a function (whithout ...
Frnçs's user avatar
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Method separators

Does anybody know of a function/package/etc. to draw visual separators between "high-level" blocks of code, like class and function definitions? Similar to the horizontal lines in these ...
0x5453's user avatar
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use-package, way to execute :custom or :config block?

:custom block is not executable format such as (org-babel-confirm-evaluate nil). whereas (setq org-babel-confirm-evalulate nil) can be excuted via C-x C-e. Is there a way to execute a :custom block ...
eugene's user avatar
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I'm unsure which option to use for setting a variable: setq, customize-set-variable, or setopt

I'm a bit uncertain about which method to use for setting a variable: setq, customize-set-variable, or setopt. I did some research online, and it seems that opinions on this matter are quite varied. ...
Zoli's user avatar
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Highlighting entries with specific keywords in Elfeed

To avoid missing on important news, I am trying to highlight Elfeed entries containing specific words in their titles: (add-hook 'elfeed-new-entry-hook (elfeed-make-tagger :entry-title '("...
Carapuce's user avatar
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How do I set package-vc-selected-packages to use a specific commit?

Emacs 29.1 introduced new functions to install packages directly from source. Configuring it to download from the latest commit works fine, but I can't find how to download from a specific commit ...
Balto's user avatar
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Increase text size permanently

How can I set the text size to be larger all the time, starting from when I open the GUI app? I am specifically referring to the text size for the buffer and modeline. I am moderately visually ...
vnbcs's user avatar
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Changing some attributes of face `mode-line`

I want to change some attributes for the mode-line using elisp file calls. But I want to use exclusively the code that I write myself, without having emacs write to my init file. Although I have been ...
Dilna's user avatar
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"touch file" in dired mode

I found this answer: (eval-after-load 'dired '(progn (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "c") 'my-dired-create-file) (defun create-new-file (file-list) (defun exsitp-untitled-...
user129393192's user avatar
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How to edit source code from elpa package and keep changes?

So today I installed a dashboard for emacs with M-x package-install RET dashboard. It works perfectly fine. I made some nice customization and it looks great! But by default, there are some messages (...
MySQLInjection's user avatar
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How can we customize the font size of the window-number in `ace-window` mode?

The font face of the window labels in ace window seem to have the same size as that of the text in the buffer, which is in general too small for me to allow for quick visual parsing. I was hoping that ...
loonatick's user avatar
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How to hide a face?

I am new to Emacs (28.2) and would like to customize certain packages by simply hiding some of their elements or faces. For example, I'm trying to remove elfeed-search-last-update-face from elfeed-...
Carapuce's user avatar
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In Doomemacs how to get "SPC q l" to automatically run the moment doom loads after I run "emacs .&" from command line

On my linux box when I run emacs .& from the command line, inside a folder it opens up and displays that folders contents via Dired. I need to either: display the Doom landing screen instead of ...
thefonso's user avatar
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"Erase customizations" button is not reverting customized face to its standard value

What I am about to say is best reproduced with an empty configuration. So if you want to reproduce this issue just back up your ~/.emacs.d and any other init files to a different folder and try this. ...
Eminent's user avatar
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How to switch off showing a line break marking dollar sign $ at the end of a line?

One of the nice features of Emacs is that you can use Tab for in-line completions and Tab-Tab for showing possible completions to already typed text in a separate buffer if there are multiple of them. ...
Claudio's user avatar
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Lisp Mode Documentation Syntax color change?

I use emacs for common lisp development. I noticed that the documentation string for functions is white and makes it hard for me to read. Is there a way for me to change the color of this string? ...
Vinn's user avatar
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Defcustom definition for plists

I want to write a defcustom definition for a variable my-var. my-var is an alist that maps strings to plists. Each such plists maps one of three keys (:x, :y, :z) to a list of strings. So, a member ...
efl's user avatar
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Define separate file for org-custom variables

I would like to create more separation between the custom variables generated through the Customize UI that are generated for org-mode, and non-org mode features. I have already broken out my primary ...
charliesneath's user avatar
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How do I configure Emacs to display of line numbers permanenty [duplicate] M-x (global-display-line-numbers-mode) But after I do C-x C-c then it's not configed. How do I make ...
jian's user avatar
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Setting position of initial frame from user defined values

I would like to set the frame position of the initial frame, by letting the user position the frame where he wants. I can then save the cons cell in a variable which will then be used for set-frame-...
Dilna's user avatar
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How to set up K&R everywhere (1TBS) brace style in cc-mode?

I'd like Emacs to follow this indentation style: struct Foo { void bar() { for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { if (condition) { // code // code ...
sajmon's user avatar
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How to see total line number of a file in emacs Mode line?

I really need this but couldn't figure out how to do it. Let's say I open a file in a new buffer which has 200 line of code. Now I'm in the beginning of my file in line 1. And Mode line showing All(1,...
Likhon BaRoy's user avatar
2 votes
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How to set crossline alike highlighting mode in emacs?

What i'm trying to do here is that, in my buffer I want to point the cursor position through highlighting the line horizontally and column vertically. Much like the CrosshairHighlighting mode. (https:...
Likhon BaRoy's user avatar
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defcustom: store variable value permanently

When I have a custom variable and a function that changes it's value: (defcustom current-fileset nil "Currently selected fileset" :type 'string) (defun set-val () (setq current-fileset &...
user4035's user avatar
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pdf-tools: set a number of colors readily available for highlighting

When reading a pdf file, I use different colors for highlighting; for example to distinguish different ideas. Is it possible to have a number of colors readily available when using pdf-tools. That is ...
user25482's user avatar
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pdf-tools: customize highlight color

How can I customize pdf-tools' default color for highlighting (from yellow to something else)?
user25482's user avatar
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How to add spacemacs/evil functions to pulsar-pulse-functions?

I'm using emacs 28.1 with Spacemacs and after installing pulsar I'm wondering how to add the pulse functionality on certain events, such as, when going through search matches, scrolling up, down, etc. ...
stigma's user avatar
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how to re-enable a variable after a package overwrites it? (in particular, mark-even-if-inactive and Hyperbole)

I have mark-even-if-inactive set to t in my init.el; I've found that I that so (interative "r") works as expected; if that variable is nil, I get "The mark is not active now" when ...
Dan Drake's user avatar
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what is the type 'repeat string'?

Here it says that the type of lsp-clients-pylsp-library-directories is (repeat string) How do I write my dir_locals.el file ? I tried this but it doesn't work (see here) ((lsp-mode . ((lsp-clients-...
user1632812's user avatar
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Can org-provide-todo-statistics be set locally for a specific tree?

Sometimes I would like a tree's statistics cookie, for example "[1/3]", to be calculated differently than what is specified in the global value for org-provide-todo-statistics. For example, ...
Max Pfleger's user avatar
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Can the menubar and scrollbar be customized?

In GTK versions of Emacs (or more generally any GUI version of Emacs), can the scrollbar and menubar colors be customized? I can probably change the look of ALL my GTK applications, but when running ...
Arne's user avatar
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show line number when matching parathenses/braces

I work with latex/other documents with long nested of texts/codes are enclosed by paratheses or braces, like this: { long blocks of latex or other materials ( another long blocks of texts ...
underflow's user avatar
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How do I save org-agenda-files customizations in Doom Emacs?

I am currently running Doom Emacs and using org-mode. When I try to move a file to the front of the agenda file list (C-c [), It is updating the custom.el file, rather than the config.el file. In my ...
sergio_101's user avatar
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Setting new values in `org-refile-target` not working

I'm trying to add a new file and delete an old from the org-refile-target variable. So doing (setq org-refile-targets (quote (("~/" :maxlevel . 2)) should work by ...
Daniel's user avatar
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defcustom not appearing in Customize UI

I have a problem that variables defined with defcustom in elisp files under ~/.elisp do not appear in the Customize UI. In particular, I use word-count-mode from
Supernormal's user avatar
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Symbol's value as variable is void: tramp-remote-path

I'm trying to configure a remote path when using tramp. I have added (add-to-list 'tramp-remote-path "/root/.cargo/bin") to my init.el I get the following error: Symbol's value as variable ...
kevzettler's user avatar
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How to replace ascii codes with characters in custom settings or buffer?

I customized org-tag-alist using the built-in customization interface. This stored the values in ("tag") . <ascii key value>) pairs like this: ("ez" . 90) ("pin"...
Max Pfleger's user avatar
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lsp-mode Golang build tags

I am using lsp-mode with Gopls as my coding environment. But I have one file with // +build tagthis at beginning of the file. Then my emacs lsp-mode cannot work well in this file. How can I change ...
ccQpein's user avatar
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How to use org-tree-to-indirect-buffer and turn off org-indent-mode in the new indirect buffer, with a toggle to go back, all in a single key binding?

I like using org-mode as a distraction free text editor. I also like using org-indent-mode when navigating my entire file. I also like using org-tree-to-indirect-buffer to focus on a desired section ...
tiveriphysto's user avatar
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How to properly use defcustom with backquote / comma grammar? (to edit a mode's font-lock-keywords)

I'm trying to edit a mode's font-lock-keywords variable to use defcustom instead of defconst (which it was using previously). Obviously, this is because I want to be able to easily customize the mode'...
GDP2's user avatar
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Why bold faces do not inherit from the `bold` face?

I had tried to use a thin weight font as the default face and a regular weight font as the bold face (try, it's a nice combination), but I desisted because there are a zillion faces that do not ...
gboffi's user avatar
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emacs-custom file get overwritten

In my init.el, I have the following line (setq custom-file (expand-file-name "custom.el" user-emacs-directory)) which is supposed to set the file custom.el into .emacs.d config folder for ...
PinkCollins's user avatar
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How to prevent M-x package-install from editing my ~/.emacs file?

When I install packages with M-x package-install, it edits the ~/.emacs file and adds the following content: (custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by ...
Lone Learner's user avatar
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Make customize save lists newline separated

When saving changes using customize Emacs serializes lists space separated. This makes for example the package-selected-packages variable extremely long and hard to scan over. Is it possible to make ...
Mattias Bengtsson's user avatar
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How to find out the name of a variable Customize is customizing

I'd like to have a function that when run from within a Customize buffer will return the name of the variable that would be customized at point.
izkon's user avatar
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Why won't emacs permanently save my buffer-local var?

For many files I have file-local variables which asked me once if they were safe and I could add them permanently to my "trusted" list, never to be asked again. However, I get asked every ...
Webdev Tory's user avatar

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