I have a working snippet that advices both kill-buffer and kill-this-buffer to not kill the scratch buffer:

  (defun ninrod/scratch-bodyguard (buffer-assassin &rest arguments)
    (let ((buffer-to-kill (buffer-name (current-buffer))))
      (if (equal buffer-to-kill "*scratch*")
          (message "DENIED! don't kill my precious *scratch*!!")
        (apply buffer-assassin arguments))))
  (defun ninrod/scratch-protection (buffer-assassin &rest arguments)
    (let ((buffer-to-kill (car arguments)))
      (if (equal buffer-to-kill "*scratch*")
          (message "DENIED! don't kill my precious *scratch*!!")
        (apply buffer-assassin arguments))))
  (advice-add #'kill-this-buffer :around #'ninrod/scratch-bodyguard)
  (advice-add #'kill-buffer :around #'ninrod/scratch-protection)

The problem is that these lines:

  (message "DENIED! don't kill my precious *scratch*!!")
 (apply buffer-assassin arguments))))

Are repeated in both functions, so I thought that I could apply the DRY principle and refactor the snippet to this:

(defun ninrod--protection (buffer-assassin buffer-to-kill &rest arguments)
  (if (equal buffer-to-kill "*scratch*")
      (message "DENIED! don't kill my precious *scratch*!!")
    (apply buffer-assassin arguments)))
(defun ninrod/scratch-bodyguard (buffer-assassin &rest arguments)
  (let ((buffer-to-kill (buffer-name (current-buffer))))
    (ninrod--protection 'buffer-assassin buffer-to-kill arguments)))
(defun ninrod/scratch-protection (buffer-assassin &rest arguments)
  (let ((buffer-to-kill (car arguments)))
    (ninrod--protection 'buffer-assassin buffer-to-kill arguments)))
(advice-add #'kill-this-buffer :around #'ninrod/scratch-bodyguard)
(advice-add #'kill-buffer :around #'ninrod/scratch-protection)

This causes all hell to break loose. Now I can't even close emacs, because apparently emacs tries to kill all buffers and as I've just tampered with the kill buffer functions, well, it's bad. Very bad.

I know I mean well, but I'm must be doing something very stupid. For starters, I don't know if I can really pass around functions as parameters? So it could be that?

How would you refactor that snippet to apply the dry principle?


this works:

(defun ninrod--protection (buffer-assassin buffer-to-kill &rest arguments)
  (if (equal buffer-to-kill "*scratch*")
      (message "DENIED! don't kill my precious *scratch*!!")
    (apply buffer-assassin arguments)))

(defun ninrod/scratch-bodyguard (buffer-assassin &rest arguments)
  (let ((buffer-to-kill (buffer-name (current-buffer))))
    (ninrod--protection 'buffer-assassin buffer-to-kill arguments)))

(advice-add #'kill-this-buffer :around #'ninrod/scratch-bodyguard)

so the problem lies exactly here:

(defun ninrod/scratch-protection (buffer-assassin &rest arguments)
  (let ((buffer-to-kill (car arguments)))
    (ninrod--protection 'buffer-assassin buffer-to-kill arguments)))

edit2: quoting or unquoting the function buffer-assassin does not make a difference

  • 2
    Regarding edit2: It does make a difference. Quoted, you get a Symbol's function definition is void: buffer-assassin error, unquoted it's Wrong type arguments: stringp, (#<buffer whatever>). The second error is due to the &rest that @YoungFrog mentioned. As he/she said, there are different types of hell.
    – ChrisR
    Feb 10, 2017 at 17:21
  • Yes, I should have stated the error I was getting, thank you
    – ninrod
    Feb 10, 2017 at 17:54
  • When that happen to me I do Cx-b *scratch* RET to recreate the *scratch* buffer. Feb 15, 2017 at 7:08

2 Answers 2


Don't quote buffer-assassin when passing it to ninrod--protection. In your advice-functions, buffer-assassin is a variable, the value of which is the originial function. When you pass it quoted, buffer-assassin in ninrod--protection will have the value 'buffer-assassin (i.e. the symbol itself), so apply will try calling a (global) function named like that, not the value of the caller's local variable.

Edit: A somewhat cleaner solution (i.e. without advising) would be

(add-to-list 'kill-buffer-query-functions 
  (lambda () (not (eq (current-buffer) (get-buffer "*scratch*")))))
  • that's nice, but unquoting buffer-assassin sill causes all hell to break loose.
    – ninrod
    Feb 10, 2017 at 16:13
  • 3
    I guess removing &rest in your ninrod--protection function will help. Problem is 'arguments' is transmitted as a list, and &rest makes it a list of a list.
    – YoungFrog
    Feb 10, 2017 at 16:40
  • Additionally hell can break loose in so many ways. It would be nice to include the error message or a backtrace when that happens.
    – YoungFrog
    Feb 10, 2017 at 16:41
  • @YoungFrog, removing &rest from the ninrod--protection function fixed the problem!
    – ninrod
    Feb 10, 2017 at 16:51
  • 1
    Additionally, you should make sure to actually make buffer-to-kill a string in ninrod/scratch-protection, as kill-buffer may also be called on a buffer directly, which makes your comparison to "*scratch*" fail. Try (kill-buffer (get-buffer "*scratch*")) to see where things go wrong.
    – ChrisR
    Feb 10, 2017 at 16:56

Edit: I misread the code, go with ChrisRs answer.

You can definitely pass around functions, but you do it indirectly by passing the symbol the function is stored in. When you write:

(f 'myfunction)

You are passing the symbol 'myfunction as an argument to the function f. Specifically when you intend to pass a symbol in order to pass a function, you should actually write #'myfunction because that hints to emacs you're intending to pass a function and you get better error messages. Emacs is a lisp-2, meaning that a single symbol can hold both a variable value and a function value, but generally if a function takes a "function" as an argument, it will assume that for the symbol you pass in you intend to use the function value associated with it, not the variable value, and will extract it for you.

  • I think it's the other way around: the original function is stored in the value slot of the advice's first parameter. That's why the apply in the original implementation works.
    – ChrisR
    Feb 10, 2017 at 12:49
  • @ChrisR oops, yes you are correct Feb 10, 2017 at 13:21

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