- Start
- Do
emacs -nw
- Copy the snippet to
buffer and then do M-x eval-buffer
(require 'dash)
(defvar kitty--char-and-shifted-char)
(setq kitty--char-and-shifted-char
(mapcar (lambda (it)
(cons (string-to-char (car it))
(string-to-char (cdr it))))
(mapcar (lambda (c)
(cons (char-to-string c) (char-to-string (upcase c))))
(number-sequence ?a ?z))
("`" . "~")
("1" . "!")
("2" . "@")
("3" . "#")
("4" . "$")
("5" . "%")
("6" . "^")
("7" . "&")
("8" . "*")
("9" . "(")
("0" . ")")
("-" . "_")
("=" . "+")
("[" . "{")
("]" . "}")
("\\" . "|")
(";" . ":")
("'" . "\"")
("," . "<")
("." . ">")
("/" . "?")))))
(defun kitty--modifiers->value (modifiers)
(cl-loop with modifiers->value = '(
(shift . 1)
(alt . 2)
(ctrl . 4)
(super . 8)
(hyper . 16)
(meta . 32)
(caps_lock . 64)
(num_lock . 128))
for modifier in modifiers
summing (alist-get modifier modifiers->value) into n
finally return (1+ n)))
(defun kitty-modifiers->emacs-keys (keys)
(apply #'concat
(cl-loop with alist = `((shift . "S-")
(super . "s-")
(alt . "M-")
(ctrl . "C-"))
for x in keys
collect (cond ((numberp x) (char-to-string x))
((stringp x) x)
((symbolp x) (alist-get x alist))))))
(defvar kitty--info)
(setq kitty--info
(cl-loop for (base-char . shifted-char) in kitty--char-and-shifted-char
;; M-char1
collect (list
(list (char-to-string base-char)))
;; M-S-char1
collect (list
(list 'shift)
(list (char-to-string shifted-char)))))
(defun kitty-configure--Command-key (CommandKey)
;; When we press `Command' key, what do we want to see `M-' or `s-'.
;; Since `Option' key sends `M-', it is preferable to choose `s-'
(let* ((choices '(("super" . super)
("alt" . alt)))
(option (completing-read "Treat Command key as " choices nil t)))
(assoc-default option choices))))
(cl-loop with format-spec = "%-32s\t%s"
;; When we press Command, Kitty sends a super modifier along with the
;; key
with kitty--prefix = 'super
with modifier-set = '(ctrl
;; hyper
initially (let* ((header (format format-spec
"What Emacs Sees"
"What Kitty Sends")))
(message "When you press `Command' key ....")
(message "%s" header)
(message "%s" (make-string (length header) ?-)))
for new-modifiers in (-powerset modifier-set)
do (cl-loop for (base-char modifiers emacs-keys) in kitty--info
for what-emacs-should-see = (kitty-modifiers->emacs-keys
(cons CommandKey (append new-modifiers emacs-keys)))
for what-kitty-sends = (format "M-[ %s ; %s u"
(format "%s" base-char))
(format "%s" (kitty--modifiers->value
(cons kitty--prefix
(append new-modifiers modifiers))))))
do (message format-spec what-emacs-should-see what-kitty-sends)
(define-key input-decode-map
(kbd what-kitty-sends)
(kbd what-emacs-should-see)))))
- Do
M-x kitty-configure--Command-key
- You will be prompted for how you want the
key to behave. Choose super
or alt
. I suggest you pick super
. Since Option
key can be configured to send M
(or is it ESC
- You will see following
. They give an indication of what keys Emacs
When you press ‘Command’ key ....
What Emacs Sees What Kitty Sends
s-C-a M-[ 9 7 ; 1 3 u
s-C-A M-[ 9 7 ; 1 4 u
s-C-b M-[ 9 8 ; 1 3 u
s-C-B M-[ 9 8 ; 1 4 u
s-C-c M-[ 9 9 ; 1 3 u
s-C-C M-[ 9 9 ; 1 4 u
s-C-d M-[ 1 0 0 ; 1 3 u
s-C-D M-[ 1 0 0 ; 1 4 u
s-C-e M-[ 1 0 1 ; 1 3 u
s-C-E M-[ 1 0 1 ; 1 4 u
s-a M-[ 9 7 ; 9 u
s-A M-[ 9 7 ; 1 0 u
s-b M-[ 9 8 ; 9 u
s-B M-[ 9 8 ; 1 0 u
s-c M-[ 9 9 ; 9 u
s-C M-[ 9 9 ; 1 0 u
s-d M-[ 1 0 0 ; 9 u
s-D M-[ 1 0 0 ; 1 0 u
s-e M-[ 1 0 1 ; 9 u
s-E M-[ 1 0 1 ; 1 0 u
- Do
C-h k Command+x
and see what sees
- Do
and see what Emacs sees
- Do
and see what Emacs sees.
- Do
M-x kitty-configure--Command-key
, and for a change pick alt
and repeat the previous steps.
Above snippet doesn't handle any key not seen in *Messages*
specifically it does NOT handle Functional key definition and any other .
Setting up of the keys that are NOT configured by this snippet, is left as an exercise to the reader.
FWIW, on Debian/Windows Keyboard,emacs
running within kitty
doesn't respond to LeftWinKey
. (LeftWinKey
is usually s-
) on GTK Emacs
So, the snippet shared above not only can be used on Macs
to configure the Command
key, but also can be used to configure LeftWin
on Debian/Windows
I--the author of this snippet--use Debian/Windows
laptop btw. This is a a en:us
keyboard with qwerty
~$ setxkbmap -print -verbose 10
Setting verbose level to 10
locale is C
Trying to load rules file ./rules/evdev...
Trying to load rules file /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev...
Applied rules from evdev:
rules: evdev
model: pc105
layout: us,mn,us
variant: ,,
options: numpad:microsoft,keypad:pointerkeys,compose:menu,caps:shiftlock
Trying to build keymap using the following components:
keycodes: evdev+aliases(qwerty)
types: complete+numpad(microsoft)
compat: complete+ledcaps(shift_lock)
symbols: pc+us+mn:2+us:3+inet(evdev)+capslock(shiftlock)+compose(menu)+keypad(pointerkeys)
geometry: pc(pc105)
xkb_keymap {
xkb_keycodes { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)" };
xkb_types { include "complete+numpad(microsoft)" };
xkb_compat { include "complete+ledcaps(shift_lock)" };
xkb_symbols { include "pc+us+mn:2+us:3+inet(evdev)+capslock(shiftlock)+compose(menu)+keypad(pointerkeys)" };
xkb_geometry { include "pc(pc105)" };