My (nick)name is qbi and I'm here since the beginning of this site. From time to time I ask question, use the site to find solutions for specific issues etc.
Now I saw that emacs.SE is in need for a moderator. I am a moderator of Tor.SE for several years now. So I have some experience in moderating. Furthermore I think it is helpful when a site has more than one moderator. This helps to share the workload. That's Why I decided to nominate myself. I want to help moderating the site.
So on the one side I have not the highest reputation. I'd expect that the number will not grow much over the next months. Currently I'm a happy Emacs user and don't have much open questions. Most often there are good answers so I can't add much. However on the other side I can offer some experience in moderating a site and I'm willing to help here.
- How would you deal with a user who produced a steady stream of valuable answers, but tends to generate a large number of arguments/flags from comments?
I would try to contact that user and discuss this issue with that person. My hope is that the other person would understand that such a large number of arguments is not helpful.
- How would you handle a situation where another mod closed/deleted/etc. a question that you feel shouldn’t have been?
I'd reach out to the mod and ask why it was closed/deleted/etc. This will help me understand why the other mod chose to do so. If I'd feel uncomfortable with that explanation, I'd present my arguments in the hope that the other person will understand my point.
- Emacs.SE has become a very quiet site. How would you increase enthusiasm and activity among its members, and particularly its long-standing members?
This is a really though question. In my opinion the enthusiams and activity can be increased by a higher number of questions and good answers. However this depends from factors which are mainly outside of emacs.SE. We would need more people who ask good questions.
On the other side enthusiams can also be increased by more interaction. So having a some kind of event (for instance a regular chat among the members) can also help.
- In your opinion, what do moderators do?
In a perfect world, nothing. :-)
In my opinion most of the moderation work should come from the community. However this doesn't always work. So a moderator should keep track of flagged postings and decide of actions are needed. If the mod intervenes (esp. with questions or answers of new users), the mod should comment and explain why it was decided and how the person can do better.
The mod should also check the review queues and help to keep the site on topic.
In seldom cases it is necessary to contact people directly by mail to resolve issues.
- A diamond will be attached to everything you say and have said in the past, including questions, answers and comments. Everything you will do will be seen under a different light. How do you feel about that?
As a user I don't see a difference for me. A diamond doesn't make me a better emacs user. However I am aware that other people will hold me to higher standards regarding questions and answers. I represent the site in some way and so have more responsibility.
- In what way do you feel that being a moderator will make you more effective as opposed to simply reaching 10k or 20k rep?
I won't reach a reputation of 10k or 20k in the next future. However as a mod of another site I know that it is sometimes hard to do all moderation work alone. SO I want to help the existing mods to share the workload.
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posted May 2, 2021 at 9:47
candidate score 6/40
reputation 681
moderation badges: 1/8
editing badges: 2/6
participation badges: 3/6