I'm on day 2 of my switch from 15 years of Vim to Evil Emacs -- so I'm just starting learning how to customize emacs and how to read elisp.
Question 1
I'm trying to use helm-projectile-find-file
with elscreen-find-file
That is, I want search for a file in my project and open up in a new window/tab.
I tried creating my own version of elscreen-find-file
like this
(defun elscreen-find-file (filename)
"Edit file FILENAME.
Switch to a screen visiting file FILENAME,
creating one if none already exists."
(interactive "FFind file in new screen: ")
(elscreen-find-and-goto-by-buffer (helm-projectile-find-file filename) 'create))
But it's not activating the helm-projectile-find-file functionality. I'm curious to learn the best way to accomplish this task. Thanks
Question 2:
I think by answering just #2 I can extrapolate a solution for #1. I'd like to helm-projectile-find-file
and split the result in a new vertical window
I think it might have been a simpler solution to just open up a blank tab, switch to it, and then run helm-projectile
I did something similar trying to replicate Vim's vsplit:
(defun vsplit ()
(other-window 1)