I tried to follow your example, both using the :PROPERTIES: drawer like your mysql example and with (same) named code-blocks. Neither is working to call an R variable in the second code-block.
* my.org
#+STARTUP: inlineimages
*** tryThis aMWE realgraphs session.with Namea bothvariable code-blocksfrom thean same.
#+name:earlier section1code-block
#+begin_src R :results output :session
# name the list_var "why"
print("Generate ten numbers")
whynums <- (seq(1,10)
print("Then randomize them and print those.")
# make it a bit random
zee <- why * runif(1, .1, 2.3)
zee # give a simple text output
#plot(zee) # plot zee ooops, save that for the next code blocknums
: [1] "Generate ten numbers"
: [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
: [1] "Then randomize them and print those."
: [1] 1.209789 2.419579 3.629368 4.839157 6.048946 7.258736 8.468525
: [8] 9.678314 10.888103 12.097893
** but will this part work?
This is also text that is in the org doc. It is part of the MWE. It is not a bullet point and separates the 2 code-blocks. It is part of debugging to see if it was part of the problem of variables not persisting between code blocks.
#+name: section1
#+BEGIN_SRC R :file example2example.png :results graphics
print("Plot a variable created in a different code block.")
print("result is white box with object 'zee' not found"nums)
This is what happens after you hit C-c C-c both code blocks to execute the R code.