org-mode newbie question.
I want to invoke the org agenda command that matches a tag query. Currently it is bound to C-a a m
I found the key sequence too long and wanted to bind it to a shorter one, e.g., H-m
(I've been abusing Hyper
key a lot recently). But couldn't find anyway to do that.
Firstly, I tried to find the function that does org tag match. Using C-h k
to describe the key sequence doesn't work because it stops at C-a a
to describe agenda command.
Then, I tried to capture it with a keyboard macro like
(fset 'my-search-org-by-tags "\C-cam")
Ideally it should ask me to enter the tag, but it didn't work that way. It seems to pick the first tag of current entry and shows the result. So question comes to how to make a kbd-macro
sequence to be interactive.
But is that the right direction?