The car and the cdr of a cons are actually cells of the same structure. You can also set the car as link and get a tree structure instead of a list.
Example:(setq trees '(maple (birch) pine))
You can set the cdr of the last cons to a value instead of nil. Such a structure is called a dotted list.
Example: `(setq trees '(maple oak pine . birch))In Common Lisp you shouldn't modify quoted lists (i.e., constant lists).
Instead of
(setq trees '(maple oak pine birch))
you would use
(setq trees (list 'maple 'oak 'pine 'pirch))
(setq trees (copy-list '(maple oak pine birch)))
The reason for that is the common subexpression optimization of lisp compilers.
The rules for Emacs lisp in that respect are not clearly stated in the Emacs lisp manual. There is already a discussion about that in another question.
But since there are examples of structure modifications of quoted lists in the Elisp manualexamples of structure modifications of quoted lists in the Elisp manual you are currently on the safe side.
Be aware that this might change in the future.