The issue is caused by the function undo-tree-visualizer-update-diff
, which contains a (balance-windows)
command at the end. So the simple dirty trick is to re-define the function with that command commented out after loading undo-tree
(with-eval-after-load 'undo-tree
;; [2023-10-20 Fri] modify this function from undo-tree.el to prevent
;; re-balancing windows ------------------------------------------------------
(defun undo-tree-visualizer-update-diff (&optional node)
;; update visualizer diff display to show diff between current state and
;; NODE (or previous state, if NODE is null)
(with-current-buffer undo-tree-visualizer-parent-buffer
(undo-tree-diff node))
(let ((win (get-buffer-window undo-tree-diff-buffer-name)))
(when win
;; (balance-windows); comment this line out
(shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer win))))