When filtering entries in agenda buffer (including C-c m) I only get auto-completion for tags. But the first thing I want to filter by is always the value of the "Project" property. I set up buttons for a few projects in my main org file but they are somewhat cumbersome to use - I'd much rather prefer to open a general agenda buffer and filter from there.

Is it possible to filter agenda by property without typing out the entire name of the property?

For example I have an entry in a form:

* #10045 Do some very important fix
:Project: My project

And I want to have the auto-completion for the name of the property itself and then all the "Project" values that Emacs found in the agenda files. I can settle for a solution that suggests projects from the current buffer only.

The input I want to enter inside the agenda buffer to find the headings with property "Project=My project" would be: / P TAB M TAB RET

Right now to get the desired action I need to type letter by letter (including outer quotes): / "Project=\"My project\"" RET in the regex filter.


I found out that in org-mode I can press C-c / p to filter entries by property with auto-completion for property name and property value. I remember now that this was the reason why I set up my org entries in this way. I want to do exactly the same thing but inside agenda buffer. I also found that if I only want to filter by projects (not ideal but it somewhat helps), I can define "Category" property and filter by category in agenda.

  • Yes it is possible. You could install the Vertico package, which works well with other packages such as Orderless, Marginalia and Consult.
    – crocefisso
    Commented Mar 26 at 20:11
  • @crocefisso could you elaborate? I tried all those packages and they seem to just be using the autocompletion that is already present in Emacs when pressing tab. I still need to type out an entire regexp when filtering by project. Commented Mar 27 at 20:46
  • I have the mentioned packages installed and active. When I do C-c a m, if I want to filter by the property gnu_linux_arch, I just have to type arc TAB RET. Maybe I didn't get your question. If this is the case, could you add a minimal example?
    – crocefisso
    Commented Mar 27 at 22:18
  • I think you have properties and tags mixed up. I'll add an example in a minute. Commented Mar 28 at 9:15
  • Indeed, after C-c a m, auto completion works for tags but not for properties.
    – crocefisso
    Commented Mar 28 at 12:57

2 Answers 2


Here is a solution using org-super-agenda

To get this

M-x org-agenda in org-super-agenda-mode

M-x org-agenda in org-super-agenda-mode

on these agenda files


* TODO Upgrade "factory styles" of ODT and ODS exporter :odsexport:odtexport:
:PROJECT:  odt
:URL:      https://github.com/kjambunathan/org-mode-ox-odt/issues/251

* TODO Review heuristics used for embedding screenshots in a landscape document :odtexport:
:URL:      https://github.com/kjambunathan/org-mode-ox-odt/issues/261


* TODO Unable to convert a ods file to a tsv file                 :odsexport:
:URL:      https://github.com/kjambunathan/org-mode-ox-odt/issues/235

* Add support for vmax, vmin etc                                  :odsexport:
:URL: https://github.com/kjambunathan/org-mode-ox-odt/issues/253

do this

(require 'org-super-agenda)
 '(vertico-mode t)
 '(org-super-agenda-groups '((:auto-property "PROJECT")))
 '(org-super-agenda-mode t))
  • This looks great, I'll try it as soon as I'll have some free time. Commented Mar 28 at 17:54
  • This is perfect, thank you. Is there a way to interactively hide certain groups when I'm already in agenda mode or narrow it to just one? Commented Mar 28 at 20:26

If you are averse to using org-super-agenda you can go with the below recipe ...

(Note that there is no harm in using org-super-agenda-mode though)

(Note that this "pollutes" org-tags-history. So, refine the recipe further if this "pollution" confuses you. You may want to periodically do (setq org-tags-history nil) just to be sure that there is ZERO pollution)

To get this

enter image description here

followed by

enter image description here

;; Recipe for `emacs -Q`

(require 'subr-x)
(require 'map)

(setq package-user-dir "~/.emacs.d/elpa/")

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c h") 'consult-history)

 '(vertico-mode t)

(require 'org-agenda)
(setq my-org-agenda-prop-filters
         (lambda (it)
           (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect it)
             (thread-last (org-element-map
                              'property-drawer #'identity)
                          (seq-mapcat (lambda (it) (org-element-map it 'node-property #'cadr)))
                          (seq-map (pcase-lambda ((map :key :value)) (cons key value)))
                          (seq-group-by #'car)
                          (seq-map (pcase-lambda (`(,prop . ,prop-and-values))
                                     (cons prop (thread-last prop-and-values
                           (pcase-lambda (`(,prop . ,values))
                             (thread-last values
                                           (lambda (it)
                                             (format "%s=\"%s\"" prop it))))))))))))

;; '("PROJECT=\"odt\""
;;   "PROJECT=\"odt\""
;;   "URL=\"https://github.com/kjambunathan/org-mode-ox-odt/issues/251\""
;;   "URL=\"https://github.com/kjambunathan/org-mode-ox-odt/issues/261\""
;;   "PROJECT=\"ods\""
;;   "PROJECT=\"ods\""
;;   "URL=\"https://github.com/kjambunathan/org-mode-ox-odt/issues/235\""
;;   "URL=\"https://github.com/kjambunathan/org-mode-ox-odt/issues/253\""
;;   )

(setq org-tags-history
      (append my-org-agenda-prop-filters

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