When <> expands to multiple line and I wrote like this

some-string <<noweb ref>>

then it expands like

some-string line1-from-noweb-ref some-string line2-from-noweb-ref some-string line3-from-noweb-ref

Is there a way to avoid this?

  • What are you trying to avoid exactly? The behaviour you describe is normal. Do you want some-string to appear only on the first line? Or not at all? A minimal reproducible example would help clarify this.
    – Tyler
    Commented Nov 9, 2017 at 14:32

1 Answer 1


I think you're asking how to prefix only the first line of the noweb block. It will probably depend on the language your using, but I came up with this hack for bash:

#+NAME: example
#+BEGIN_SRC text
 please echo this line
 date ## but not this one
 cd test ## this one
 ls -l ## or this one  

Bad source code block, echo prepended to very line:

#+BEGIN_SRC bash :noweb yes :results verbatim
  echo <<example>>

: please echo this line
: date
: cd test
: ls -l

Good source code block, echo prepended to the first line only, the rest
are executed:

#+BEGIN_SRC bash :noweb yes :results verbatim
  echo \

 : please echo this line
 : Thu Nov  9 10:22:32 EST 2017
 : total 0
 : -rw-r--r-- 1 tws tws 0 Nov  9 09:44 one
 : -rw-r--r-- 1 tws tws 0 Nov  9 09:44 three
 : -rw-r--r-- 1 tws tws 0 Nov  9 09:44 two
  • Thank you! Seems like a solution. But why do you think is "The behaviour you describe is normal. " ? For me <<>> looks like usual inline macros. Well, don't you wait that for example in JS somestring ${nowebref()} do the same - multiply somestring as many as nowebref() will return rows ?
    – Dima Fomin
    Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 9:26
  • 1
    I only mean that according to the orgmode manual, the designed behaviour is for some-string to be prepended to each line. I don't have an opinion on whether this is the best behaviour, but it is the intended behaviour of the orgmode authors
    – Tyler
    Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 18:41
  • Ahh, I see now! I should better RTFM :) By the way, inspired with such behaviour I am trying one trick with <<>> but stuck again. May be you could see with one eye? It's here emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/36832/…
    – Dima Fomin
    Commented Nov 12, 2017 at 18:44

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