Q: how can I get a visual indicator distinguishing between the end of the buffer and the bottom of the window?
Use case: I've got a buffer with some blank lines at the bottom. However, the bottom of the window beyond the blank lines is also, well, blank. I'd like to be able to tell, visually, where the buffer ends/blank lines stop.
Vim does this with non-text characters at the bottom of a window (ie, the tildes) to indicate that there is nothing in the buffer (such as of blank lines) in that space, as in the screenshot below:
How would one get the analog of this Vim feature in Emacs?
EDIT: @glucas's answer looks correct, but I'd love to see an answer that does not use the fringe, as I set mine to nil to save screen space on a small laptop screen.
component of thefringe-indicator-list
to indicate where the end of the buffer begins? For example,(setq fringe-indicator-alist '((empty-line . empty-line)))
Add additional components to the alist as desired. This method, however, requires a fringe to be visible. See also: reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/2kdztw/…