I have just installed Magit from Melpa as per the instructions in the official Magit manual. I then proceeded to follow the manual's Post-Installation Tasks section, which states
After installing Magit you should verify that you are indeed using the Magit, Git, and Emacs releases you think you are using. [...]
M-x magit-version RET
should display something like
Magit 2.8.0, Git 2.10.2, Emacs 25.1.1, gnu/linux
The results of my running M-x magit-version RET
Magit 20170401.1145, Git (unknown), Emacs 25.1.1, darwin
This doesn't seem to match the expected output.
The Magit version number doesn't have the expected format.
Git does not have a version number at all.
Is this a problem? If so, what should I do to fix it?
Attempted Steps
Is Git installed on my system? Opening a Terminal window and running
git --version
yieldsgit version 2.10.1
. In particular, Git is installed on my system.Are the Git executables on emacs'
? Evaluating(getenv "PATH")
in emacs yields a string that starts with/usr/bin
. Opening a Terminal window and runningls /usr/bin
brings up a list that includesgit
. So the Git executables are on emacs'PATH
.Are the Git executables on emacs'
? Checking the value of emacs'exec-path
variable by enteringC-h v exec-path RET
in emacs yields a string that starts with"/usr/bin"
, so the Git executables are on emacs'exec-path
.Maybe the Git executables that the shell uses are in a different place than
. Try runningwhich git
from a Terminal window. I ranwhich git
from a Terminal window, and indeed the result was different to/usr/bin/
, namely/usr/local/bin/
. So I added the following lines of code to my.emacs
file:(setenv "PATH" (concat (getenv "PATH") ":/usr/local/bin/"))
(setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/usr/local/bin/")))
and restarted Emacs, but the problem remained. So, yes, the Git executables that the shell uses are indeed in a different place, but appending the correct location to the end of
has no effect.If appending to
doesn't do the trick, how about prepending? I added the following lines of code to my.emacs
file:(setenv "PATH" (concat "/usr/local/bin/:" (getenv "PATH")))
(setq exec-path (append '("/usr/local/bin/") exec-path))
and now it works!
An alternative solution: Taking a lead from a comment by npostavs below, I installed Xcode from the Apple store, restarted my computer (not sure this step was necessary; I decided to do this on my own), and ran
sudo xcodebuild -license
from a Terminal window to accept Xcode's license agreement. Now Magit works even without modifying Emac'sPATH
, and also the Git version is more up-to-date (it was2.10.1
before; now it's2.11.0 (Apple Git-81)
).The downside is that Xcode takes a big chunk of memory (4.53 GB), it has received many very bad reviews on the Apple store, I had to sign a license agreement with Apple, and aside from the convenience of not having to modify the Emacs path for Magit to work, I have no use for this mammoth, since I'm not an Apple developer.
Operating system: macOS Sierra, Version 10.12.4
Emacs version: 25.1.1
/usr/local/bin/git --version
differ from/usr/bin/git --version
but you need to prepend.)/usr/local/bin/git --version
yieldsgit version 2.10.1
, whereas/usr/bin/git --version
yieldsxcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun
, not clear to me what the difference is)(push ...)
suggested by tarsius is pretty much just a more concise way of prepending (forexec-path
that is; forPATH
what you have is fine).