How can I bind an f-key using jwiegley's use-package package? Any of these combinations produces an error:

 :bind ("f11" . multi-term)
 :bind (<f11> . multi-term)
 :bind ([f11] . multi-term)

(Of course, this falls under the scope of a use-package declaration.)

2 Answers 2


You need to quote "<f11>", like this:

:bind ("<f11>" . multi-term)

And here's a full example, with ace-jump-mode:

(use-package ace-jump-mode
         :commands ace-jump-mode
         :bind ("<f7>" . ace-jump-mode))
  • 2
    Just for the record, ace-jump-mode is autoloaded, so this code is equivalent to a single global-set-key.
    – Malabarba
    Commented Nov 26, 2014 at 11:20

I just wanted to say that there's value in top-level global-set-key statements. In the screenshot below, I'm able to jump around my Emacs config, including jumping to global-set-key statements. You can see that it matches just ace in all my config files.

And one more thing: many commands, such as ace-jump-mode are autoloaded so you can just bind them without require or use-package.

enter image description here

The function to jump is lispy-goto from lispy.

  • 1
    Two tangential remarks : (i) I like use-package because it helps grouping all related settings in one place, so I use it even when not strictly needed. (ii) Even when not using use-package, you can also use bind-key directly. This makes M-x describe-personal-keybindings RET a useful command.
    – YoungFrog
    Commented Nov 26, 2014 at 12:31

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