My friend and I collaborate on a C++ project and we agree to use 4 whiltespaces for indentation. I am using Emacs and this is my indentation setting
(setq-default c-basic-offset 4)
By doing this, I believe that I can use tab safely without pressing the space bar for 4 or 8 or 12 times. However, my friends (Eclipse user) and I see awkwardly indented (misaligned) code in our own code editor. Then we accuse each other for using tabs instead of 4 whitespaces.
How can I find the ground truth in our cpp file? We want to know who introduces \t
to our code.
We use svn for source control and do not have a nice UI for code review. So I prefer to check this \t
character locally.
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
has not the desired effect, e.g. whensmart-tabs-mode
is activated by default.