Is it possible to disable ivy-mode for file prompts?

In a past I used find-file to copy current file name or path to file.

dired-do-rename also is broken by Ivy: no default completion for current file + editing key binding extremely altered / navigation disabled...

  • That sounds like two questions, and the second sounds a bit like a bug report for Ivy. Also: what do you mean by using find-file to copy the current file name, and how does Ivy prevent doing that?
    – Drew
    Commented Nov 12, 2018 at 0:40
  • find-file is useful for copying file name of current buffer. On UP key default completion brings current buffer file name. Then you can select it.
    – gavenkoa
    Commented Nov 12, 2018 at 0:43
  • OK, please consider adding that description to the question, to make this clear.
    – Drew
    Commented Nov 12, 2018 at 0:47

2 Answers 2


Ivy-mode changes the value of completing-read-function. This function is used internally by read-file-name-default which is used for file name completion. The function used for file name completion can be changed using the variable read-file-name-function. By dynamically binding completing-read-function back to the default before calling read-file-name-default you will get what you want:

(setq read-file-name-function
  (lambda (&rest args)
    (let ((completing-read-function #'completing-read-default))
      (apply #'read-file-name-default args))))

Note that if you use counsel-mode, you have to undo the rebinding it does for find-file:

(define-key counsel-mode-map [remap find-file] nil)

Ivy supports multiple actions for the selected candidate. You can add your own actions, but by default there is a copy action that may be exactly what you need.

With the default key bindings, you can use M-o in the minibuffer to bring up the ivy action menu, and w to copy the currently selected candidate.


I see this does not quite address your use case, since the current file name is not the default candidate for find-file when ivy is enabled. I always used to use find-alternate-file (C-x C-v) as a quick way to grab the current file name, and this works fine with ivy using M-o w as noted above. (Now I just have a separate key binding to copy buffer-file-name directly.)

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