I can enter rectangle mark mode with C-x SPC, and then do C-p or C-n to set mark to the line above or below.

How do I vertically mark multiple lines in one go without having to do C-p or C-n multiple times?

Also, is it possible to set mark vertically to the beginning or end of document?

  • 1
    Is your question about the package multiple cursor, or is it a general question regarding rectangle regions? I'm asking because of the tag...
    – Pouya
    Jul 25, 2019 at 15:43
  • Its a general question regarding rectangle regions. I do my best to avoid using packages. Feel free to edit the tags.
    – Saurabh
    Jul 26, 2019 at 0:11
  • What does "Also, is it possible to set mark vertically to the beginning or end of document?" mean? end-of-buffer also works in rectangle-mark-mode.
    – Tobias
    Jul 26, 2019 at 0:43
  • 1
    You can give C-p and C-n and pretty much every moving command a numeric prefix arg. The command is then executed that many times.
    – Tobias
    Jul 26, 2019 at 0:46
  • @Tobias - If I'm on line 20 col. 12, I want the cursor to go from here to line 1 col.12 and all lines in between, without doing C-p multiple times after C-x SPC
    – Saurabh
    Jul 26, 2019 at 0:48


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