I want to create a file with org-open-at-point
from a template if that file does not exist. If it exists, I want to open it in an external app.
In org-mode, file-links are created by [[file:path-to-file.ext]]
. Enter
or C-c C-o
opens that file. This behavior is defined by org-file-apps
depending on the file extension.
According to the docs, org-file-apps
can take functions as argument:
Possible values for the command are:
string A command to be executed by a shell; %s will be replaced
by the path to the file.
function A Lisp function, which will be called with two arguments:
the file path and the original link string, without the
"file:" prefix.
(add-to-list 'org-file-apps '("\\.svg\\'" . "inkscape %s"))
opens that file in inkscape.
I wrote a function to create the file beforhand if it does not exist:
(defun inkscape-open (path &optional link)
"Open the path in inkscape. Copy template if path does not exist."
(unless (file-exists-p path)
(shell-command (format "cp /home/jolla/Dropbox/org/sketches/default.svg %s" path)))
(shell-command (format "inkscape %s" path))
and set it for svg-files:
(add-to-list 'org-file-apps '("\\.svg\\'" . inkscape-open))
1.) This does not work: emacs tells me that the file does not exist. If it exists, emacs opens the file.
2.) I would like to modify my function so that it only creates the file if a specific directory (like Dropbox/org/sketches) is in path. What would I have to do?
3.) How can I switch focus to inkscape after org-open-at-point?
PS: if I create a new link-parameter like [[svg:path-to-file.ext]]
like this:
:follow (lambda (path)
(let ((actions '(("find-file" . find-file)
("edit in inkscape" . inkscape-open))))
(funcall (cdr (assoc (completing-read "Action: " actions) actions)) path))))
I can chose inkscape-open
and the function works as expected. This is also described here. However, I don't want to create a new link type because this would prevent org-mode from showing inline images.