When I do a commit, magit popups the diff in a separate wm window. I'd like it to show the diff in the same wm window and just split into a different wm window.
I've tried this answer, but it hasn't worked.
magit 20200805.1104 emacs 26.3
When I do a commit, magit popups the diff in a separate wm window. I'd like it to show the diff in the same wm window and just split into a different wm window.
I've tried this answer, but it hasn't worked.
magit 20200805.1104 emacs 26.3
I think you are looking for the magit-display-buffer-function
(setq magit-display-buffer-function (quote magit-display-buffer-same-window-except-diff-v1))
seems to have done it.