I'm running some code in a .Rmd file using M-n v u, but when I do so, my output is truncated. I'd like to turn this feature off, but the only documentation I can find mentioning truncation is for ess-eldoc-abbreviation-style and it's related to the mini-buffer.

Here's an example of what happens. Code

while(my.round <= max.round){

input.restart.file <- paste0(output.dir,"Restart/rstart.round.", my.round - 1, ".rst")
output.restart.file <- paste0(output.dir,"Restart/rstart.round.", my.round, ".rst")

if(my.round==1){ #initial set up
    ## Initialize parameter object
    ## Set initial phi value
    parameter <-
        genome = genome,
        model = which.model,
        sphi = init_sphi,
        mutation.prior.mean = mutation.prior.mean,
        mutation.prior.sd = mutation.prior.sd, ## should try changing this
        num.mixtures = 1,
        gene.assignment = rep(1, genome.length),
        split.serine = TRUE,
        mixture.definition = mixDef)
    divergence.iteration <- initial.divergence

R Window in Emacs

+ while(my.round <= max.round){
+     input.restart.file <- paste0(output.dir,"Restart/rstart.round.", my.round - 1, ".rst")
+     output.restart.file <- paste0(output.dir,"Restart/rstart.round.", my.round, ".rst")
+ if(my.round==1){ #initial set up
+     ## Initialize parameter object.... [TRUNCATED] 

UPDATE: I've now downloaded a copy of the emacs source code and searched for "[TRUNCATED]" and get nothing.

I've also searched my .emacs folders and get the same results.

For what it's worth, I'm running

  1. Ubuntu-Mate 20.04
  2. GNU Emacs 26.3
  • (build 2, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.14) of 2020-03-26, modified by Debian
  1. ESS version 18.10.2
  • This option is likely from R, not from Emacs. Are you using knitr? It can be configured to do this. Commented Nov 8, 2021 at 20:58
  • OMG! Thanks for pointing out this obvious alternative explanation! I am using knitr, but can't find any direct documentation on this. This posting about the Tinn-R console stackoverflow.com/a/55292384 suggests it is related to a source() command option max.deparse.length. I will investigate further. Commented Nov 10, 2021 at 2:17

1 Answer 1


So it looks like I need to figure out how to modify the options ESS sends to R using .ess.source() and .ess.eval(). Specifically, I need to change the argument

max.deparse.length: integer; is used only if ‘echo’ is ‘TRUE’ and gives
      the maximal number of characters output for the deparse of a
      single expression.

I can do this including the following in the source file I'm working with.

default(.ess.source) <- list(max.deparse.length=1E5)
default(.ess.eval) <- list(max.deparse.length=1E5)

(NB: it doesn't work in my .Rprofile because R doesn't know about these libraries until they are some how loaded by emacs-ESS.)

  • It looks like I want to set max.depare.lengt = echo() rather than an integer. The relevant code seems to be in: ess/etc/ESSR/R/.basic.R: Specifically, .ess.eval <- function(string, visibly = TRUE, output = FALSE, max.deparse.length = 300, file = tempfile("ESS"), local = NULL) { and .ess.source <- function(file, visibly = TRUE, output = FALSE, max.deparse.length = 300, local = NULL, fake.source = FALSE, keep.source = TRUE, message.prefix = "") { Commented Oct 25, 2022 at 14:17

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