I am running Emacs and writing on the scratch-buffer. This is my config file.
After executing describe-mode
, this is the list of minor modes running:
Enabled minor modes: Auto-Composition Auto-Compression Auto-Encryption
Blink-Cursor Column-Number Delete-Selection Display-Line-Numbers
Doom-Modeline Eldoc Electric-Indent File-Name-Shadow Font-Lock
Global-Display-Line-Numbers Global-Eldoc Global-Font-Lock
Global-Git-Commit Global-Wakatime Ivy-Prescient Ivy-Rich Line-Number
Magit-Auto-Revert Override-Global Paredit Rainbow-Delimiters
Shell-Dirtrack Show-Paren Transient-Mark Wakatime Which-Key
This the problem demonstrated as a gif. When I try to insert backslash before quotes, something weird happens after I press C-f
(to move the cursor forward). I happen to be stuck and it is not possible to leave, except for deleting everything:
How solve it?
Obs.: Currently, I have a hack. Basically, I execute command query-replace
, pick "
character and then choose as a replacement \"
. But I feel there must be a better way.
again? What mode is the buffer in? What minor modes are enabled? What doesC-h c C-f
say? What happens if you doC-b
instead or some other control sequence? The only way I can reproduce the behavior in my*scratch*
buffer (which is inlisp-interaction
mode with a bunch of minor modes enabled) is if I pressC-q
before I pressC-f