How do I get continuation indicators (a character indicator at the far right edge, normally \) in visual-line mode when I'm working in a terminal emacs. FYI, the continuation markers on visual-line-fringe-indicators, do NOT work in terminal emacs.

I would like to differentiate between hard and soft newlines, and I would prefer indicators that are easy on the eyes.

Right now I'm using whitespace-mode to highlight the HARD newlines. So, if I look at a line and it DOESN'T have that highlight, then it must be a soft newline.

2 Answers 2


To get this


enter image description here

do this

  1. emacs -Q -nw
  2. Copy the below snippet to *scratch* buffer, and do M-x eval-buffer
(when (display-graphic-p)
  (fringe-mode (cdr (assoc "no-fringes" fringe-styles))))

   '((space-mark 32
     (space-mark 160
     (newline-mark 10
                   [95 10])
     (tab-mark 9
               [187 9]
               [92 9])))
 '(whitespace-style '(face newline newline-mark))
 '(global-whitespace-mode 1))

     (:foreground "red" :weight bold)))))

  • Thanks for the formatting edits to my question, and for the hard-newline highlighting code. Unfortunately, that's what I'm currently doing, and not what I was asking about. I'm looking for a way to highlight SOFT newlines. Upon re-reading, I see that my postscript about customizing was unclear. I was applying that to the soft newlines as well. I'm currently customizing the hard newline indicator. Still, I think your code is useful for posterity. I should have done that my myself. Commented Oct 3, 2022 at 12:33

BUYER BEWARE: This is a prototype code, and during the development of this snippet, I had to re-start my emacs multiple times.

If the custom fontifier doesn't move the point (or doesn't behave like a good citizen, in the sense that font-lock machinery expects it to) then emacs locks up the cpu, and becomes usable. So, use this snippet only after good amount of testing.

So, don't this snippet on a buffer which has your dissertation thesis, or some such important thing.

  1. emacs -Q -nw
  2. Copy the snippet to *scratch* buffer, and do M-x eval-buffer. The snippet adds soft wrap indicators to visual-line-mode buffer, just the way you want it---that is, right within the buffer, and immediately at the end of the soft wrap-ped line The snippet binds C-c C-c global-ly to visual-line-mode for quick testing.
;; testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode

;; testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode testing soft-wrap mode 

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-c") 'visual-line-mode)

(defface soft-wrap-face
  '((t :foreground "red"))
  "Face for hi-lock mode."
  :group 'hi-lock-faces)

(defvar soft-wrap)

(put 'soft-wrap 'display "\N{DOWN ARROW WITH TIP LEFT}")

(put 'soft-wrap 'soft-wrap t)
(put 'soft-wrap 'face 'soft-wrap-face)
;; (put 'soft-wrap 'face nil)

(defun make-soft-wrap-overlay (&optional p)
  (let* ((p (or p (point)))
         (ov (make-overlay p (1+ p))))
    (overlay-put ov 'category 'soft-wrap)))

(defun remove-soft-wrap-overlays (&optional beg end)
  (let* ((beg (or beg (point-min)))
         (end (or end (point-max))))
    (remove-overlays beg end 'soft-wrap t)))

(defun my-font-lock-matcher (limit)
  (let* ((points '()))
    (while (< (point) limit)
       ((looking-back "\n" (1- (point)))
        (forward-char 2)
       ((looking-at "\n")
        (skip-chars-forward "\n"))
        (push (point) points)
        (forward-char 2)
    (while points
      (let ((p (pop points)))
        (make-soft-wrap-overlay p)))
    (goto-char limit)

(defun my-extend-region-function (beg end old-len)
  (let* ((end (progn (goto-char end)
                     (re-search-forward "\n" nil 'move)
         (cursor beg))
    (remove-soft-wrap-overlays beg end)
    (cons beg end)))

(defun turn-on-soft-wrap ()
   nil (list '(my-font-lock-matcher)))
  (setq-local font-lock-extend-after-change-region-function

(defun turn-off-soft-wrap ()
   nil (list '(my-font-lock-matcher))))

(add-hook 'visual-line-mode-hook
          (defun my-visual-line-mode-hook-1 ()
              (auto-fill-mode -1)
             (t (turn-off-soft-wrap)))))

(add-hook 'visual-line-mode-hook
       (defun my-visual-line-mode-hook ()
         (unless (display-graphic-p)
           ;; UTF-8 support
           ;; (prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)
           ;; (set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8)
           (set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
           ;; (set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8)
           ;; (setq x-select-request-type '(UTF8_STRING COMPOUND_TEXT TEXT STRING))

           ;; (info "(elisp) Truncation")
           ;; [Truncation (GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual)](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Truncation.html#index-line_002dprefix)
           (setq line-prefix
                 (propertize "\N{SPACE}" 'face 'highlight))
           (setq wrap-prefix
                 (propertize "\N{DOWN ARROW WITH TIP RIGHT}" 'face 'highlight))

           ;; This is for wrap at the window edge
           ;; (info "(elisp) Display Tables")
           ;; [Display Tables (GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual)](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Display-Tables.html#index-display_002dtable_002dslot)
           (set-display-table-slot standard-display-table
                                   'wrap (make-glyph-code ?\N{DOWN ARROW WITH TIP LEFT} 'highlight)))))
;; Local Variables:
;; byte-compile-warnings: all
;; End:

  1. Do M-x visual-line-mode, and this is what you will see.

Custom soft-wrap indicators in visual-line-mode; also shows wrap indicators--seen at the beginning of line--which comes by default with emacs Custom soft-wrap indicators in visual-line-mode

  1. Edit the long lines; Monkey around by deleting large chunk of test, or inserting large chuck of text, or by breaking a long line by inserting newlines. Satisfies yourself that the soft-wrap markers at the right side of text, are redrawn, along the expected lines (with old soft-wrap markers vanishing in to thin air)

  2. FWIW, this is how the buffer looks in NON visual-line-mode

Buffer with long lines; and visual-line-mode is OFF

Buffer with long lines in NON visual-line-mode

Apropos (forward-char 2)---the code that moves the point to the next visual line: Intuitively movement by 1 char is sufficient to get past the end of visual line space or tab character (displayed as soft wrap). But once these space characters have a display property, then the point moves in a counter-intuitive way. (Difficult to explain by words, and interested parties can experiment on their own, make sense of what I say here)

There are plenty of reports on official emacs channel and in stackexchange, about display property on soft wrap spaces influencing the vertical-motion in a counter-intuitive way.

Initially, I went with 1 and the point was not moving in the MATCHER routine. So, emacs was locking up. (Lockups are a nightmare, and difficult to debug.)

Let me repeat, consider this code as a prototype; I recommend that you don't use it on very important buffers.


Instead of continuation indicator---indicator that appears on the right window edge, right next to the point where the line wraps---what you instead get is prefix indicators---line-prefix and wrap-prefix. That is the prefix indicators appear AFTER the line has wrapped, and appears on the left window edge. (They are are NOT "user-friendly", and forces you to "wrap" your brains).

(info "(elisp) Truncation")

(info "(elisp) Display Tables")
  • OMG. Who ARE you? This might be the most hard-core response I have ever seen on stack. I won't be able to dig in and play with it for a few days, but I wanted to let you know ASAP that I am in appreciative awe. Also, warning acknowledged. I'll test it on an air-gapped laptop down in my bunker while the wife is out of town. I turned my dissertation in about 20 years ago, so unless your code's destructive power includes time travel, I'm probably safe. Commented Oct 6, 2022 at 22:07

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