i have a local customized emacs with the emacs ein package. I am able initiate a jupyter kernel locally (via emacs or via the terminal) and start an interactive jupyter notebook session.
However, I would like to run the jupyter kernel on a remote machine, to which I can tunnel via ssh. It seems that this thread (https://github.com/millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook/issues/249) provides a solution to this issue, but I cannot decipher all that's described there. It starts with the instruction '*you need to set *ein:console-executable
', which apparently is done by executing (setq ein:console-executable (expand-file-name "~/envs/ein/bin/ipython"))
. But where do I execute this piece of lisp code? Furthermore, it seems that ein:console is some sort of a subpackage to ein? I don't think I have it installed, but it also doesn't show in my melpa list.
This blog http://millejoh.github.io/emacs-ipython-notebook/#id31 tells me to use
(require 'ein)
(require 'ein-notebook)
(require 'ein-subpackages)
as a minimal configuration of ein. But when I paste this in my .emacs I get the warning: 'File is missing: Cannot open load file, No such file or directory, ein-subpackages' upon an emacs restart.
I appologize, that the description of my issue is not more precise, but that's the best I can do. Any help is very welcome.