I have two time fields. My productivity and sleep. I would like to run a Coefficient-Determination (As described here: http://www.r-tutor.com/elementary-statistics/simple-linear-regression/coefficient-determination )

Is it possible in org-mode?


|Date | productivity | sleep|
|[meh]| 4:00         | 8:00 |
  • Voting to close. Not emacs question. But--- load table in your favorite language using Org Babel, convert hh:mm to minutes, and implement the equation...
    – mankoff
    Commented Mar 20, 2015 at 1:52
  • 2
    @mankoff Org tables use Calc language (the language of Emacs calculator), so the question has to do with Emacs. Calc can do linear regression and operate on dates, basically, everything which is required to perform what is being asked in this question.
    – wvxvw
    Commented Mar 20, 2015 at 8:23
  • Actually, the problem here appears to be that while Org can reasonably add and subtract times, when it comes to multiplication, the behavior is not what you would expect, so something like (vvar($2)^2)/(vvar($3)^2) will give you absolutely unrelated results (seems like Org translates times using hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds formula and then operates on that, so 4 hours squared gives 129600 hours...
    – wvxvw
    Commented Mar 20, 2015 at 9:33
  • @wvxvw of course it can be done in Emacs. Everything can! Perhaps it is just a poorly written question... The answer is simply "yes", and the OP hasn't explained where they are having trouble. I assumed it was implementing the math.
    – mankoff
    Commented Mar 20, 2015 at 18:47

4 Answers 4


My previous answer was just too convoluted (and it didn't actually compute what OP wanted). It appears there's a much simpler way to do it:

This is actually the way to do it

| Date  | sleep | productivity | determination coefficient |
| [meh] |  7.50 |         4.00 |                           |
| [meh] |  8.00 |         5.00 |                           |
| [meh] |  8.50 |         6.00 |                           |
| [meh] |  8.00 |         4.00 |                           |
| [meh] |  8.20 |         5.00 |                           |
| [meh] |  8.70 |         6.00 |                           |
|       |       |              |                0.89847792 |
|       |       |              |                0.89847792 |
#+TBLFM: @9$4=vcorr(@2$2..@7$2, @2$3..@7$3)
#+TBLFM: @8$4=vpcov(@2$2..@7$2, @2$3..@7$3)/(vpsdev(@2$2..@7$2)*vpsdev(@2$3..@7$3))

As suggested by the comments. Note that this gives you r, whereas RUserPassingBy's results give r^2 (but, finally, both results are correct).

  • Oh my, thank you for your effort here. I'll try to tweak with this. Commented Mar 20, 2015 at 22:32
  • @LeoUfimtsev ok, one thing I already know I did wrong here is that fitted variable should be a vector, not a single value, but I'm not sure how to get that from fit().
    – wvxvw
    Commented Mar 21, 2015 at 8:06
  • 1
    One definition of R-squared is cov(XY)^2 / (var(X)*var(Y)). Please add one column $5 for the R-squared, and try the following. I hope I'm not wrong. #+TBLFM: @8$2=vvar(@2$2..@-I$2)::@8$3=vvar(@2$3..@-I$3)::@8$4=vcov(@2$2..@-I$2,@2$3..@-I$3)::@8$5=(@8$4^2/(@8$2*@8$3)) Commented Jun 25, 2015 at 19:03
  • @RUserPassingBy yeah... I can't express it how much I hate it when people don't stick to the same nomenclature / use obscure name / barely noticeable diacritics instead of proper variable names. You are totally right, it should be along the line that you wrote, but I think it can be made shorter (there's a function to calculate the mean, so the covariance must be easier to compute). Let me see.
    – wvxvw
    Commented Jun 25, 2015 at 20:40
  • @RUserPassingBy ok, nevermind, I now found the problem. I wasn't counting the last row...
    – wvxvw
    Commented Jun 25, 2015 at 21:11

if you calculate R^2 by R within org-mode and Babel, it's very simple.

#+CAPTION: My productivity and sleep
| Date    | sleep | productivity |
| ~[meh]~ |  7.50 |         4.00 |
| ~[meh]~ |  8.00 |         5.00 |
| ~[meh]~ |  8.50 |         6.00 |
| ~[meh]~ |  8.00 |         4.00 |
| ~[meh]~ |  8.20 |         5.00 |
| ~[meh]~ |  8.70 |         6.00 |

#+BEGIN_SRC R :session *R* :results output :exports results :var TMP=MY-TABLE[,1:2]

: [1] 0.8072626

Here Emacs Calc is!

Org-table is based on Calc function. Calc function vcorr calculates a correlation coefficient among two vectors. Use vcorr with calc-eval in Emacs Lisp with Org-mode.

A Coefficient-Determination is the same as R-square. R-square for a simple regression analysis Y on X equals to a squared value of a correlation coefficient between X and Y.

#+CAPTION: My productivity and sleep
| Date    | sleep | productivity |
| ~[meh]~ |  7.50 |         4.00 |
| ~[meh]~ |  8.00 |         5.00 |
| ~[meh]~ |  8.50 |         6.00 |
| ~[meh]~ |  8.00 |         4.00 |
| ~[meh]~ |  8.20 |         5.00 |
| ~[meh]~ |  8.70 |         6.00 |

When importing lists from Org-table to Emacs Lisp, you can select rows and columns. :var TMP=MY-TABLE[,1:2] selects for whole rows, with 2nd and 3rd columns.

c.f. http://orgmode.org/manual/var.html

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results value :exports both :var TMP=MY-TABLE[,1:2]
(require 'cl)                             ;; required for (first) and (second) function.
(setq LST (cddr TMP))                     ;; import data to list LST excluding column names and hline.
(setq VEC (apply #'mapcar* #'vector LST)) ;; transpose and change to vector VEC, as Calc accepts vectors only.
(setq X (first VEC))                      ;; X is a vector of sleep ('car').
(setq Y (second VEC))                     ;; Y is a vector or productivity ('cadr').
(setq VALUE-R                             ;; correlation coefficient.
  (string-to-number                   ;; calc-eval returns string.
   (calc-eval (format "vcorr(%s,%s)" X Y)))) ;; alas, calc-eval accepts only strings.
(setq VALUE-R2 (* VALUE-R VALUE-R))       ;; R-square for a simple regression

: 0.8072625698326307

And of course you have the orgtbl-aggregate package (available on Melpa). It uses Calc as its backend engine. The vcorr function is the one to use, as wvxvw and RUserPassingBy put it.

#+BEGIN: aggregate :table "MY-TABLE" :cols "vcorr(sleep,productivity)"
| vcorr(sleep,productivity) |
|            0.898477918389 |

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