For the last few weeks, I decide to work directly in a remote server using tramp-mode, with great success and joy.

However, recently I decide to add python-mode and an inferior ipython3 sheel to emacs, still working with remote files via tramp. The setup mostly works, and I can run the ipython kernel from the remote servet with little problem.

However, everytime I try to send the current buffer (or region, or file) to be executed, I get the following kind of error (the filename may change to a real filename, according to the function):

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/ssh:mss:/tmp/df1fefb99e7a8013d07dcc5ef8b002be-psss-temp.py

(mss being my server alias).

This seems to be due to python-mode sending the file path with the TRAMP ssh prefix in it. If I just erase the '/ssh:mss:', the remote iPython functions as expected.

How can I correct this? I suppose I could change python-mode code to correct for the TRAMP prefix, but I don't know where to look for changing. My emacs file, if anyone is interested is in https://github.com/aylons/emacsd/tree/master/

1 Answer 1


Which Emacs version are you using? Reading python.el, this problem seems to have been fixed back in September 2012. I don't know which Emacs version this fix belongs to, but I guess it shall work at least for Emacs 24.3. See also this bug report

  • I am using Emacs 24.5.1. However, I am not using python.el, but python-mode.el, which had some functions I liked. Maybe I can port the patch from the link you passed from python.el to python-mode.el. Sounds like a good start.
    – Aylons
    Commented May 20, 2015 at 16:47
  • Well, I don't know python-mode.el. But you could also check this package for usage of buffer-file-name. It shall not pass the value of that variable to any shell script. Instead of, it must be checked whether the string is a remote file name, and if yes, the local file name part shall be passed only. Use file-remote-p for this task. Commented May 20, 2015 at 19:30

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