During my daily work I want to prevent parent tasks to be visible in my daily agenda views. This is very practical during daily work, since a parent task cannot be "done", only be a placeholder for its sibling tasks. However, during my GTD weekly review of my tasks I would like to have a separate agende view showing all parent tasks, to be able to get an overview of their sibling tasks and their status.
I use the following code to make task dependencies possible and to prevent showing parent tasks.
(setq org-enforce-todo-dependencies t)
(setq org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks 'invisible)
If I use the code above, how can I make an agenda view that show only my parent tasks? What is lacking in the agenda view code below?
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands '(
("p" "parent tasks" tags < ...missing code... > (
(org-agenda-overriding-header "Parent tasks")
Or what changes do I have to make in my code to be able to BOTH not showing parent tasks in some views, AND to show them in other views?
I do not want to manually tag the parent views with "PROJECT", since this is extra work that can easily be forgotten, and thereby clutter my daily and weekly agenda views.
Thanks in advance for any help !