Below is my attempt at adapting "erlang" syntax checker (from flycheck.el) for my needs. It tries to use GNU make for compilation instead of erlc. Apart from that nothing is changed.
(flycheck-define-checker erlang
"An Erlang syntax checker using the Erlang interpreter.
See URL `'."
:command ("make -C " (eval (projectile-project-root)))
((warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ": Warning:" (message) line-end)
(error line-start (file-name) ":" line ": " (message) line-end))
:modes erlang-mode)
Attempt to load it using flycheck-select-checker (C-c ! s) fails with following output:
Syntax checker in buffer test.erl in erlang-mode:
- major mode: `erlang-mode' supported
- predicate: nil
- executable: Not found
Flycheck cannot use this syntax checker for this buffer.
How can I debug this beast?