On the left: emacs in console mode. On the right: emacs with GUI.
Running 24.5.1 on Arch linux. Both my console and emacs have the font set to Inconsolata 12. What can I do to make the emacs with GUI fonts look "smoother"?
[ETA more detail:]
I tried making a /etc/fonts/local.conf
file which specified anti-aliasing. It made no difference. (I'm not using Infinality.)
According to this answer I should find out the GNOME settings and make a .Xresources
file that emacs would use. But I didn't have any luck there.
From gnome-tweak-tool I had:
- Hinting: medium
- Antialiasing: Grayscale
- Scaling Factor: 1.0
I couldn't figure out what "Antialiasing Grayscale" is equivalent to in Xresources-speak...
$ xrdb -query | grep Xft
Xft.dpi: 96
Xft.antialias: 1
Xft.hinting: 1
Xft.hintstyle: hintmedium
Xft.rgba: none
This is what was there before I made a .Xresources
file and it seems basically correct? I tried changing Xft.rgba
to rgb
but I couldn't appreciate any difference.