I've entered into the fabulous world of Emacs about 2 weeks ago and I like it more and more, but at this point there are some mysterious point that make me freak a little because I don't want to mess up my Emacs. It's about the package manager, I've installed auctex and the autocomplete mode for latex and now I want to try it's newest equivalent company. So I've installed packages company, company-auctex and company-math but it seems that it's not enabled after installing and it's not the behaviour of the manager I was waiting for, according to the GNU Emacs page on installing package. So have I to add lines (which I am not familiar with yet) in .emacs for each package ? Also, what is the "packagename"-autoloads.el file for ? I guess it should do what I am asking for but it doesn't on my session, I can say it because when I type \su like on the company-math Github page there are no completion...
Thank you for reading, I've said a lot ! And sorry if my English is not entirely correct.
to your.emacs