On my Emacs (Aquamacs on OSX, latest version) the command Edit -> Spelling -> Mark All Misspellings goes through the whole file (from 0% to 100%) and then starts again at 0%, and continues ad infinitum.
The menu item runs the command flyspell-buffer (found in global-map), which is an interactive autoloaded compiled Lisp function in ‘flyspell.el’.
I cannot do anything else and have to abort Emacs to stop the command. What am I doing wrong?
C-h k
and then select the menu item). Does the help for that command tell you anything useful about this issue? What does "go through the whole file" mean? (Is that an interactive process, or is it just cycling forever on a non-interactive progress/percentage message?) What does "abort the editor" mean? (C-g
?). If you're not closing the application completely, are there any helpful messages left in the*Messages*