As ansi-term doku tells us: any key which is not in use by emacs will be passed down to shell running inside term-mode.
As an example - I have a screen session running inside ansi-term and configured to respond to "C-o" (escape ^Oo
in ~/.screenrc).
The "C-o" is not in-use by emacs, at least not in term-raw-map, so I have no trouble controlling my screen inside ansi-term.
On the other hand - <M-(arrow keys)>
are in use by emacs and I want to not have those defined in term-raw-map only, otherwise I would like to keep the original mapping, even in term-line-map.
So, my thinking went - Let's undefine the offending key in term-raw-map, so that it could be passed down to whatever is running inside ansi-term.
Hence, the little piece of code, that demonstrates my conundrum.
First, I tried to define-key to nil
, then tried to use a built-in local-unset-key
, neither of those methods helped.
On the other hand, if I just redefine the keys to anything else, they work as expected.
My knowledge of emacs is currently insufficient to understand how to proceed to get the desired behavior.
;; For expediency I'm using only <M-left> and not all the arrow keys
;; to test - comment out one of the lines:
(defun my-local/term-hook ()
;; This does NOT work:
(define-key term-raw-map (kbd "<M-left>") nil)
;; Neither does this:
(local-unset-key (kbd "<M-left>"))
;; It does work flawlessly if redefined:
(define-key term-raw-map (kbd "<M-left>") 'left-word))
(add-hook 'term-mode-hook 'my-local/term-hook)
So, to recap the question: How to change the term-raw-map in such a way, that keys already defined in other maps would be undefined in term-raw-map?
For instance, in my particular case, I'm trying to have <M-(arrow keys)>
uninterpreted by emacs current active keymap and passed down to shell, as is the case with "C-o".
is simply set up to explicitly bind most keys to send the appropriate input to the process running in the terminal. The likes of<M-(arrow keys)>
are not present interm-raw-map
and therefore they are being processed by some lower-priority keymap in Emacs, and consequently nothing is being sent to the terminal. To solve this you must add new bindings toterm-raw-map
! I cannot confirm it to be a duplicate of 17085, although very similar.