I'm using web-mode to edit my erb files. When I type <% emacs (or web-mode) adds a closing %> bracket. But when I type a space after the percent sign (i.e. %), an additional %> bracket is added.

I'm using prelude so there's a clue in prelude-web.el but I'm not sure how to interpret it. The relevant looking code looks like this:

(sp-with-modes '(web-mode)                                                                                                           
  (sp-local-pair "%" "%"                                                                                                             
                 :unless '(sp-in-string-p)                                                                                           
                 :post-handlers '(((lambda (&rest _ignored)                                                                          
                                     (save-excursion (insert " ")))                                                                  
                                   "SPC" "=" "#")))                                                                                  
  (sp-local-pair "<% "  " %>" :insert "C-c %")                                                                                       
  (sp-local-pair "<%= " " %>" :insert "C-c =")                                                                                       
  (sp-local-pair "<%# " " %>" :insert "C-c #")                                                                                       
  (sp-local-tag "%" "<% "  " %>")                                                                                                    
  (sp-local-tag "=" "<%= " " %>")                                                                                                    
  (sp-local-tag "#" "<%# " " %>"))

How do I configure emacs to stop adding these additional characters?

1 Answer 1


Here's a solution. Hopefully it will get pulled into prelude main branch soon. You can edit the file cited above:


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