I am using tabbar-mode and I love it. I have only one thing which is irritating me: the sorting order of tabs of fired windows.
As in other modes, they seem to be sorted by time opened. But in case of the dired buffers, I would prefer a sorting based on the directory structure, so that lower directories are further left, an directories higher in the directory structure further to the right. As an example, the tabs could be sorted like this:
/ | home | Username | DirectoryInUsernamesHomeDirectory | SecondUsername | ...
I am aware, that it is not possible to project a two-dimensional tree structure into a one dimensional tab-bar, but any logical sorting based on the tree structure would be favourable to a time-of-opening sorting as it is now.
Is there any way (sure there is - but my elisp knowledge is not sufficient to write it) to achieve this? I guess a custom function tab-bar-add-tab needs to be defines as here?
(your spell checker is fired)