Is it possible to include only certain columns of a table when using org-mode's #+INCLUDE directive? You can choose certain rows like

#+INCLUDE: "./paper.org::*conclusion" :lines 1-20
  • 1
    Have you tried remote table references? You can have a table whose contents refer to another table even in another file.
    – Juancho
    Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 21:59

1 Answer 1


@Juancho's comment was head on.

You need a table with a #+NAME:, which can be referenced via '(identity remote(its-name, @@#$1)). As an example, take

* test
#+NAME: src
| no | english | french | japanese |
|  1 | one     | un     | ichi     |
|  2 | two     | deux   | ni       |
|  3 | three   | trois  | go       |
* copy
| no | french |
|  1 | un     |
|  2 | deux   |
|  3 | trois  |
#+TBLFM: $1 = '(identity remote(src, @@#$1)):: $2 = '(identity remote(src, @@#$3))

The second table is filled by doing C-c on the TBLFM-line. It fills as many rows as the target table has.

Concerning #+INCLUDE: just create a secondary table that holds the needed files and include that. (using the above did not seem to work cross-file)

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