I can't seem to get emacs to recognize node stacktraces. As you can see, I've added what I think is a valid regular expression to compilation-error-regex-alist and compilation-error-regex-alist-alist, but it still does not match, and brings up the file selection dialog if I try to navigate to the next error.
It appears that it's thinking of test/state-test.js:127
as the file name:
Is there a way to debug the process by which errors are recognized so I can see why it is not matching?
I've run regex in the re-builder showing the file and so it would appear that the line and column groups match:
Here is the lisp code that attempts to add the node regex:
(add-to-list 'compilation-error-regexp-alist 'node)
(add-to-list 'compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist
'(node "^[ \f\n ]*at.+(\(.+\):\([[:digit:]]+\):\([[:digit:]]+\))$" 1 2 3))
The compilation buffer:
-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/Code/microstates.js/" -*-
Compilation started at Tue Sep 20 12:09:31
npm t
> [email protected] test /Users/cowboyd/Code/microstates.js
> mocha test/index.js
The Basic Opaque State
wrapping an object value in a State
with pre-defined properties
[0G 1) has those properties by default
0 passing (38ms)
1 failing
1) The Basic Opaque State wrapping an object value in a State with pre-defined properties has those properties by default:
AssertionError: expected undefined to be an instance of State
at Context.<anonymous> (test/state-test.js:127:33)
[?25h[?25h[1A[0G[?25h[0Gnpm ERR! Test failed. See above for more details.
Compilation exited abnormally with code 1 at Tue Sep 20 12:09:33