In the following example, I create a very simple pandas DataFrame and export results verbatim:
#+BEGIN_SRC python :exports both :results verbatim :return test
import pandas as pd
test = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1000, 1000], 'B' : [60, 100]})
: A B
: 0 1000 60
: 1 1000 100
If I try to have the output as a table, things get messed up:
#+BEGIN_SRC python :exports both :results value table :return test
import pandas as pd
test = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1000, 1000], 'B' : [60, 100]})
| A B |
Is there any way to fix this?
Expected output:
| | A | B |
| 0 | 1000 | 60 |
| 1 | 1000 | 100 |
header to your python code block?org-babel-python-evaluate-external-process
where if ":results table" is used I see the variable "raw" ending up containing None instead of the expected results. Co-incidentally this the second org-babel problem I've seen today so perhaps it might be worth trying an updated version of org? According to the latest stable version is 9.0.5 which may be somewhat improved...