I've tweaked above answers with better logic and tested it, working perfectly:
- Add Hooks to functions:
(add-hook 'compilation-start-hook 'compilation-started)
(add-hook 'compilation-finish-functions 'hide-compile-buffer-if-successful)
- Auto Hide Compile Buffer Delay Customizable Variable (via
M-x customize-variable RET auto-hide-compile-buffer-delay
(defcustom auto-hide-compile-buffer-delay 0
"Time in seconds before auto hiding compile buffer."
:group 'compilation
:type 'number
- Get time taken in compilation and use
for warnings and errors count in compilation buffer:
(defun hide-compile-buffer-if-successful (buffer string)
(setq compilation-total-time (time-subtract nil compilation-start-time))
(setq time-str (concat " (Time: " (format-time-string "%s.%3N" compilation-total-time) "s)"))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(setq warnings (eval compilation-num-warnings-found))
(setq warnings-str (concat " (Warnings: " (number-to-string warnings) ")"))
(setq errors (eval compilation-num-errors-found))
(if (eq errors 0) nil t)
;;If Errors then
(message (concat "Compiled with Errors" warnings-str time-str))
;;If Compiled Successfully or with Warnings then
(bury-buffer buffer)
(run-with-timer auto-hide-compile-buffer-delay nil 'delete-window (get-buffer-window buffer 'visible))
(message (concat "Compiled Successfully" warnings-str time-str))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'compilation-start-time)
(defun compilation-started (proc)
(setq compilation-start-time (current-time))
function? Store the current time at the start, again at the end and print out the difference to the compilation buffer.