If I'm using use-package in a file that I plan to byte-compile, can I still leverage Emacs' byte-compile-dynamic setting to lazy-load compiled function definitions? From the Elisp manual:

With dynamic function loading, loading the file doesn’t fully read the function definitions in the file. Instead, each function definition contains a place-holder which refers to the file. The first time each function is called, it reads the full definition from the file, to replace the place-holder.

So, for example, if my init.el loads a file,

(require 'my-persistence (concat user-emacs-directory "my-persistence")

in which I've put persistence-related settings,

(use-package savehist
  :commands savehist-mode
  (setq savehist-autosave-interval 60)
  (defun foo () ...)
  (defun bar () ...)
  (defun baz () ...))

(provide 'my-persistence)

I could add -*-byte-compile-dynamic: t;-*- to the top of that file, in hopes that lazy-loading the compiled function definitions of foo, bar, and baz reduces the time spent evaluating the :config section.

I imagine it playing out like:

  • my-persistence.elc is loaded
  • user calls savehist-mode
  • savehist package is loaded
  • :config section is evaluated
  • savehist-autosave-interval is set to 60
  • lazy-loading defers the full definitions of foo, bar, and baz
  • user calls foo
  • foo's full definition is loaded

I tried it out, and :config still behaves as expected, but I don't know how to check whether foo, bar and baz are in fact being lazy-loaded.

1 Answer 1


It looks like functions defined in the :config section will not participate in byte-compile-dynamic lazy-loading. I tested this by modifying the above example:

-*-byte-compile-dynamic: t;-*-

(defun foo () 5)

(use-package savehist
  :commands savehist-mode
  (defun bar () 5))

(provide 'my-persistence)

After savehist has been loaded, calling (symbol-function 'foo) returns:

  ("/Users/ivan/.emacs.d/my-persistence.elc" . 473)
  nil 1]

Calling (symbol-function 'bar) returns:

#[nil "\300\207"

Notice that foo currently holds a reference to the file where the full definition can be found, whereas bar holds the actual byte-compiled instructions and the 5 constant.

Indeed, after calling (foo), a subsequent (symbol-function 'foo) shows that the full definition has now been loaded:

#[nil "\300\207"

What did work, however, was puting the function I want lazy-loaded into a separate file and requiring it from the :config section:

(use-package savehist
  :commands savehist-mode
  (require 'my-foo))

(provide 'my-persistence)

And in my-foo.elc

-*-byte-compile-dynamic: t;-*-

(defun bar () 5)

I don't know how practical that is, though I guess it might be depending how many functions you're defining (and how many you won't be needing right away). I also don't know how this approach stacks up against autoloads, but it was interesting to try, anyway.

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