I want to use the built in calender. In the Manual i found many key bindings for moving around in the calendar. But for showing the entries / dates in my calender i found only "d", which shows me the entry of one day.

So, how can i see the entries of one week, month, year or perhaps a list of all entries?


3 Answers 3


The built-in calendar-mode and diary-mode have their limitations. However, diary-mode is designed to present a span of time if so desired. Load the diary-lib library with M-x eval-expression RET (require 'diary-lib) RET and then type M-x describe-function RET diary-list-entries RET to read about it. For more advanced searching and calendaring abilities, take a look at the built-in org-mode / org-agenda-mode, and calfw https://github.com/kiwanami/emacs-calfw . A quick grep of the Emacs built-in code revealed that the cal-tex library is designed to work with the diary feature, if you use TeX/LaTeX that is.

See also the function diary, which has a doc-string that states as follows:

"Generate the diary window for ARG days starting with the current date.
If no argument is provided, the number of days of diary entries is governed
by the variable `diary-number-of-entries'.  A value of ARG less than 1
does nothing.  This function is suitable for execution in an init file."

And, of course, the above doc-string mentioned that the variable diary-number-of-entries is customizable.

The function diary-view-entries also looks interesting, so check that out too:

"Prepare and display a buffer with diary entries.
Searches the file named in `diary-file' for entries that match
ARG days starting with the date indicated by the cursor position
in the displayed three-month calendar."

Press v in agenda view to see all options.

To set the default view in number of days, set variable org-agenda-span.

  • The question is not about org-mode I think.
    – JeanPierre
    Commented Apr 28, 2017 at 7:32
  • Mea culpa. I should be. :)
    – Heikki
    Commented Apr 28, 2017 at 8:31

Thanks all for your help. What lawlist wrote ist what i'm looking for. But i need time to evaluate these informations.

The fast way is to export to HTML (H-...) or LaTeX (t-...). All information about exporting the calendar file can be found in the Emacs Manual under "Writing Calendar Files"

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