I'd like to create a summary table for tables of months (months are just one possible use of the summary table). The months have some informations and a count column. The summary count of every month should appear in the SUM-table. Like it is working in the following example.
| Month | count | other values | notes |
| Jan | 6 | 33 | blah |
| Feb | 15 | 44 | blah |
| Summary | 21 | | |
#+TBLFM: @2$2=remote(Jan,@>$3)::@3$2=remote(Feb,@>$3)
#+TBLFM: @>$2=vsum(@I$2..@II$2)
| some info | more info | count | notes |
| foo | xx | 1 | blah |
| bar | yy | 2 | blah |
| baz | zz | 3 | blah |
| summary | | 6 | |
#+TBLFM: @>$3=vsum(@I$3..@II$3)
| some info | more info | count | notes |
| qux | xx | 4 | blah |
| ber | yy | 5 | blah |
| bez | zz | 6 | blah |
| summary | | 15 | |
#+TBLFM: @>$3=vsum(@I$3..@II$3)
... more months here
Now make the SUM-table more flexible and the table formula better editable. Because doing this: @2$2=remote(Jan,@>$3)
for 12 months gets pretty repititive and hard to maintain. So I'd like to replace the part of the SUM-table formula.
I thought about using this SUM-table formula: #+TBLFM: @<<$2..@>>$2=remote($1,@>$3)
but that gets me: just an ERROR.
Doing this #+TBLFM: @<<$2..@>>$2=remote($1,$3)
gets me the following result in the SUM table:
| Jan | remote(Jan, 33) | 33 | blah |
| Feb | remote(Feb, 44) | 44 | blah |
This is not what I intended, it should look like this:.
| Jan | 6 | 33 | blah |
| Feb | 15 | 44 | blah |
How to get remote()
properly working?