Is it possible to use org mode tags :LIKE_THIS: inline in the heading text, the way #twitter_style tags are used elsewhere?

If I add any text after a :tag:, it stops being highlighted as a tag, and C-cC-q stops to recognize it, too.

On the other hand, I would like to avoid duplicating text in a header, like below:

*** TODO Make foo use bar :foo:bar:

  • 2
    Open up an org-mode buffer and familiarize yourself with the variable org-complex-heading-regexp to get a feel for how it is that org-mode knows what to do with a heading, and you'll see that tags need to be in a special location with a special format. The regex gets set up when the buffer loads taking into consideration things like org-todo-keywords. Search utilities that generate the *Org Agenda* buffer rely upon specific locations of tags. People sometimes opt to put something similar to tags in the property drawers since org-tags-view can also search that location.
    – lawlist
    Commented Jul 21, 2017 at 15:00
  • @lawlist: Please turn it into an answer. (The answer would be negative.)
    – 9000
    Commented Jul 21, 2017 at 20:59
  • 2
    The OP was 4+ years ago, and to my knowledge, inline tags are not supported (yet). I'd like to resurface the question and expand on it. In my use-case, the need for inline tags has come up repeatedly. In fact, it is desirable to include inline tags not only in the header, but also in the body underneath a header. The format could be :tag: or perhaps something different (e.g., #tag or @tag) to distinguish the behavior (and programmatic utilization) of inline tags from standard :tags:.
    – midas0441
    Commented Aug 24, 2021 at 8:33

1 Answer 1


org-mode does not support placing inline tags within the heading, except those that appear at the very end of the heading.

I suggest opening up an org-mode buffer and familiarizing oneself with the variable org-complex-heading-regexp to get a feel for how it is that org-mode knows what to do with a heading, and see that tags need to be in a special location with a special format. That regex gets set up when the buffer loads taking into consideration things like org-todo-keywords. Search utilities that generate the *Org Agenda* buffer rely upon specific locations of tags. People sometimes opt to put something similar to tags in the property drawers since org-tags-view can also search that location. [fn1]

[fn1] See the "Property Searches" advanced searching section of the org-mode tutorial section http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/advanced-searching.html


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