I am trying to install dired+ from MELPA but it seems that it no longer is listed. I also checked here: https://melpa.org/
Is this normal?
I am trying to install dired+ from MELPA but it seems that it no longer is listed. I also checked here: https://melpa.org/
Is this normal?
It is true that MELPA no longer pulls libraries from EmacsWiki.
Please obtain Dired+ and other libraries by me from EmacsWiki: dired+.el
All of my pages on EmacsWiki are locked (they require a site administrator to unlock them). There has never been an actual security problem reported, AFAIK.
Yes, it is true that a locked web page does not present the same level of security as a digital signature (such as is used for GIT). On the other hand, the fact that some code is digitally signed and pulled from a GIT repository is no guarantee at all that the code is not malicious or accidentally harmful.
(Here's a thought: If someone did want to propagate poison code, do you think they would prefer to do so from EmacsWiki, which has few downloads, or from a site like MELPA, which has many times more? From a site where you need to fiddle a bit to download and "install" a library, or from a site where you can do that willy-nilly and quickly, without thought or effort?)
If you obtain one of my libraries elsewhere than from EmacsWiki, including from https://github.com/emacsmirror/, then you will get an old version that doesn't benefit from maintenance (bug fixes, enhancements). The version of dired+.el
that is on that mirror dates from November 2017. The version on EmacsWiki dates from January 2018. And I'm not even sure that that mirror will continue to be updated at all from now on.
[Library highlight.el
is now available also from a new GitHub mirror, here. The maintainer of that mirror will keep it up-to-date, to reflect the latest version from the wiki.]
Is this normal?
Yes, MELPA recently updated its policy and no longer includes packages hosted on EmacsWiki, quoting security reasons: https://github.com/melpa/melpa/pull/5008. See also Drew's answer.
For now you will have to install it either from its upstream EmacsWiki source at https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/dired%2b.el or from its (potentially outdated) Emacsmirror clone at https://github.com/emacsmirror/dired-plus.
You can install it using el-get. What worked for me, step by step:
Tried installing el-get
from melpa, then ran into all kinds of weirdnesses, e.g. 1982.
So I opted for the basic setup by adding to my ~/.emacs
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/el-get/el-get")
(unless (require 'el-get nil 'noerror)
(goto-char (point-max))
(add-to-list 'el-get-recipe-path "~/.emacs.d/el-get-user/recipes")
(el-get 'sync)
Restarted Emacs.
M-x el-get-emacswiki-build-local-recipes
M-x el-get-install dired+
Added to my ~/.emacs
(require 'dired+)
To update the package: M-x el-get-update dired+
is still quite remarkable.