Using Emacs-25.2.1 on Windows XP (and on 7, too) I can connect to my Raspberry Pi (Rasppian OS) using TRAMP and the plink method and it works flawlessly. But when I try to connect to my Mac mini (OSX 10.7.4), after I input the password it hangs on with the "Found remote shell prompt..." message. The shell on OSX is plain old bash with no fancy configuration in ~/.bash_profile and the sshd is the default one at /usr/sbin

If I try to connect directly from the CMD or MSYS shell to the OSX e.g.

$ plink [email protected]

It connects flawlessly. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Parts of debug tramp/ssh related to locale from the Linux connection:

12:40:09.589843 tramp-send-command (6) # locale -a

12:40:09.655846 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) #










12:40:09.709849 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Setting coding system to ‘utf-8’ and ‘utf-8-unix’

Parts of debug tramp/ssh related to locale from the OSX connection:

12:33:56.549506 tramp-send-command (6) # locale -a

12:33:56.655512 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) #











12:33:56.709515 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Setting coding system to utf-8-hfs and utf-8-hfs

3 Answers 3


Usually, this kind of problem is related to your remote shell prompt. Set tramp-verbose to 6 (or to 10, if it doesn't help), and rerun your test. If the Tramp traces don't tell you what's up, contact the Tramp tower via email, [email protected].

Edit: After investigation on the Tramp ML it has been shown, that this was a bug in Tramp. Will be fixed with the next Tramp 2.3.4 release.

  • Hello thank you for the reply. I've just added the trace-output buffer. Actually I had aleady looked into that but couldn't find any useful info in there, or does it actually contain useful info? So I've added the messages related to Tramp connection, too.
    – Terry
    Commented Feb 5, 2018 at 10:54
  • It's not really the Tramp traces I wanted to see. There must be a buffer *debug tramp/ssh [email protected]* which is relevant. Commented Feb 5, 2018 at 13:45
  • Thank you for the comment. I've copied that buffers output into this file: dropbox.com/s/cqr75lxf3e9rilf/TRAMP.txt?dl=0
    – Terry
    Commented Feb 5, 2018 at 18:44
  • I still believe we shall trace it on the Tramp mailing list, what we're doing here exceeds the offer of stackeexchange. In short: your remote Mac does not offer a utf8 locale, see the output of locale -a. Likely, this is the problem. Commented Feb 6, 2018 at 7:18
  • Thank you for the comment. In the attached .txt file, I had removed the lines of locale output because they were too long. Now I edited the original post to include those lines. Btw, both Windows machines are using the turkish language as default. If it cannot be solved after this stage, I might as well post it to the Tramp mailing list.
    – Terry
    Commented Feb 6, 2018 at 10:29

Since Apple deprecated bash in favour of zsh, a message appears on login about ‘default interactive shell is now zsh’. This seems to mess with Tramp.

To disable it, add export BASH_SILENCE_DEPRECATION_WARNING=1 to your .bash_profile

  • Good comment. However this issue was solved and afterwards never popped up again
    – Terry
    Commented Mar 20, 2020 at 15:36

I had the exact same problem (connecting to Mac OS from Windows using plink hanged on Found remote shell prompt). After turning logging verbosity of tramp to 10 I was able to see that tramp was waiting to receive the response of a remote shell command. The response was in the log, but it was terminated by two repetitions of tramp-end-of-output variable which contains an MD5 session identifier. The regular expression in tramp-wait-for-output function was expecting only one session identifier to indicate the end of response, so it kept waiting.

I fixed it by changing the regexp

format "[^#$\n]*%s\r?$" (regexp-quote tramp-end-of-output)

in tramp-sh.el file to

format "[^#$\n]*\\(%s\\)+\r?$" (regexp-quote tramp-end-of-output)

to allow for multiple occurrences of tramp-end-of-output string.

After making the change, I needed to recompile the file by executing

emacs -Q --batch -f batch-byte-compile "<path_to_file>/tramp-sh.el"

Afterward, I was able to connect without problems.

  • where is this file, i can't find it
    – c-o-d
    Commented Sep 12, 2020 at 0:03

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