So this is a bit specialised. I've used org-mode for a while now but never before the agenda command to list a "stuck project". The sequence built in to do this with org-agenda is C-c a #
. This doesn't work out of the box for anyone with a UK keyboard because the #
key is on Alt-3
and Alt
is bound to Meta
(I can't realistically change this) in Emacs. Actually I use Aquamacs but I don't think this is relevant.
I tried the method suggested in namely
;; Allow hash to be entered
(global-set-key (kbd "M-3") '(lambda () (interactive) (insert "#")))
and that does indeed allow me to enter #
symbols in many contexts but when I enter the #
symbol in the org-agenda context I get the error:
org-agenda-get-restriction-and-command: Wrong type argument: characterp, 134217779
So I could always type
M-x org-agenda-list-stuck-projects
but that's way too cumbersome. I suppose I could just find another key combination, but I want it to start with C-c a
and I'm not so sure how to proceed with this.