Exporting to Beamer from org-mode creates a myriad of temporary files (the .tex file + files ending in .aux, .log, .toc, .fls, .nav, .vrb, etc.).
Most LaTeX implementations now have an option (-outdir
) to keep all these temporary files outside from the current directory.
How can the export to Beamer be modified to use this facility?
Many thanks!
to something like"latexmk -pdflatex='pdflatex -shell-escape -interaction nonstopmode' -pdf -bibtex -outdir <some-directory> -f %f"
.C-h f org-export-output-file-name
, it talks about setting name for the file being exported (this would be the TeX file), this function also happens to return this name to whoever called it, which, I guess, would be the function which will try to open the PDF. Sorry, I didn't have the time to actually try it.