I'm using Ivy in a fairly standard Spacemacs setup.

When I'm opening a file I'd like . and .. to be omitted from the list of completion candidates. In particular, I'd like to be able to tab through directories with only one entry; right now if I spam TAB in the middle of a long Java path I get a Dired buffer for a directory I don't particularly care about.

E.g., if my current directory is ~/src and I find a file in the following file hierarchy, I'd like C-xC-fjTABTABTABTABBRET to open java/com/example/foo/Bar.java.

ls -R
Makefile java




  • 2
    Have you tried setting ivy-extra-directories to nil? See (ivy) File Name Completion.
    – Basil
    Commented Mar 19, 2018 at 22:02
  • @Basil This worked -- please add it as an answer and I will accept.
    – ruds
    Commented Mar 20, 2018 at 12:51

1 Answer 1


When I'm opening a file I'd like . and .. to be omitted from the list of completion candidates.

This is what the user option ivy-extra-directories is for:

ivy-extra-directories is a variable defined in ‘ivy.el’.
Its value is ("../" "./")

Add this to the front of the list when completing file names.
Only "./" and "../" apply here.  They appear in reverse order.

In your case, you just need to clear the list:

(setq ivy-extra-directories ())

Quoth (ivy) File Name Completion:

-- User Option: ivy-extra-directories
    Decide if you want to see ‘../’ and ‘./’ during file name

    Reason to remove: ‘../’ is the same as ‘DEL’.

    Reason not to remove: navigate anywhere with only ‘C-n’, ‘C-p’ and

    Likewise, ‘./’ can be removed.

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