When I eval (add-hook 'org-export-before-processing-hook #'org-update-all-dblocks) in an emacs session, function org-update-all-dblocks seems to be called at the preprocessing stage of export, as expected. However, if i add the hook using the above line in .emacs and -- after restarting my GNU Emacs instance -- I call the LaTeX export function with C-c C-e l o from an org document, I get the error message "Wrong number of arguments: (0 . 0), 1" reported from the run-hook-with-args function. It is as if the org-export-before-processing-hook runs the hooked functions with an argument. Am I even supposed to adapt that variable? Also, how to achieve executing dynamic blocks on export, if what I attempted here is not the way?

  • 2
    From docstring of org-export-before-processing-hook: Every function in this hook will be called with one argument: the back-end currently used, as a symbol.. You can either check the right backend is used or just wrap this function in a lambda that takes a single argument and doesn't use it.
    – user12563
    Mar 28, 2018 at 11:59
  • Thanks, I should have looked at the docstring! Shouldn't you repost your comment as an answer? Mar 29, 2018 at 6:30

1 Answer 1


Here's the relevant part of docstring for org-export-before-processing-hook:

Every function in this hook will be called with one argument: the back-end currently used, as a symbol.

You can just wrap the function you want to use in a lambda that takes the right amount of arguments if you don't need a check whether you're using the right back-end.

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