I often paste org-mode tables numbers that are e.g. space-separated. Then I have to delete spaces before things like =$2/2 work correctly. Is there a way to change "number format", e.g. plug in a general function to parse input numbers in org-mode tables?

As an example, I'd like

| 100 000 | 0 |
#+TBLFM: $2=$1/2

to give 50000, not 0, in column two (I don't care that the output is not space-separated).

I know about ;N, but that doesn't work either:

| 100 000 | 50 |
#+TBLFM: $2=$1/2;N

and I'd rather have something that works on the full table because I'm sure to forget to put it on each formula.

  • Please clarify: do you want to use " " as separator rather than the normal "|" ? Commented Apr 25, 2018 at 9:10
  • No, see my edit :)
    – unhammer
    Commented Apr 25, 2018 at 9:22

2 Answers 2


Just use a little lisp to transform the cell string to a valid number.

You can use a lisp form as cell formula if you start the formula with apostrophe and parenthesis '(.

Org-table cell references within lisp forms are resolved as strings by default. If you can add another column to your table you can use a lisp form as simple and self-explanatory as (cl-remove ?\s $1). There ?\s is the space character which is removed from the cell string "100 000" of cell $1. The resulting string is inserted in the target column $2. You can process the result in further columns.

If you really want the result in the second column you must transform the compressed string into a number and process it in lisp.

The first table in the following example uses the easy lisp part the second table uses the variant with only two columns.

| 100 000 | 100000 |  50000 |
| 250 842 | 250842 | 125421 |
#+TBLFM: $2='(cl-remove ?\s $1)::$3=$2/2

| 100 000 |  50000 |
| 250 842 | 125421 |
#+TBLFM: $2='(/ (string-to-number (cl-remove ?\s $1)) 2)
  • nice! I often want to use , for legibility, now I can. Doesn't work for leading dollar signs though - do you know how to parse numbers like $100,000 in org tables?
    – Tyler
    Commented Apr 27, 2018 at 14:05
  • @Tyler That's pityingly emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/15076/…. It happens in the substitution phase before the evaluation phase.
    – Tobias
    Commented Apr 27, 2018 at 14:32
  • hm, is there a way to apply a filter like that to more formulas, or shorten it a bit? I mean, it works, but it'll get quite verbose with several formulas …
    – unhammer
    Commented Apr 27, 2018 at 21:23

org table cells are not limited to a single number. So you cannot use spaces as decimal separator (who does that?)

If these come from excel, you can adjust the format to use no decimal separator.

  • 1
    Space is the character used as thousand separator in Swedish. 1 000 000 is a million with Swedish notation.
    – Rovanion
    Commented Sep 25, 2019 at 6:26

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