I'm writing some tests for my first emacs package but am running into an issue to do with asserting that two text properties are the same - one that's created with # and another with propertize:

;; this fails
(ert-deftest equal-properties ()
    #("Utils" 0 5 (:annotation nil :candidate "type" :meta nil))
    (propertize "Utils" :annotation nil :candidate "type" :meta nil))))

In the ert runner, the forms look the same as well:

F equal-properties
        #("Utils" 0 5
          (:meta nil :candidate "type" :annotation nil))
        (propertize "Utils" :annotation nil :candidate "type" :meta nil)))
       #("Utils" 0 5
         (:meta nil :candidate "type" :annotation nil))
       #("Utils" 0 5
         (:meta nil :candidate "type" :annotation nil)))
      :value nil))

Any pointers would be much appreciated, I'm sure (/I hope) I've missed something simple!

  • 1
    It's probably related to Bug#6581 - equal-including-properties uses eq to compare property values
    – npostavs
    Commented Jun 28, 2018 at 12:27
  • Thanks for pointing this out! Will get around it for now with custom function then.
    – xdl
    Commented Jun 28, 2018 at 14:23
  • @npostavs or OP: Please consider posting that as an answer. If correct, OP: please consider accepting the answer. Thx.
    – Drew
    Commented Jun 28, 2018 at 15:58
  • @npostavs Happy for you to post that link in an answer and I'll accept
    – xdl
    Commented Jun 28, 2018 at 16:52

1 Answer 1


This is due to Bug#6581 - equal-including-properties uses eq to compare property values, hence your :candidate "type" property string values may compare non-eq. If you byte compile the test code, you might find it works because the compiler coalesces string literals (e.g., Bug#31688).

You could consider using a symbol instead of a string, if that makes sense for your purposes:

#("Utils" 0 5 (:meta nil :candidate type :annotation nil))
  • Thanks for the link and the suggestion for using a symbol - I'll look into that. Right now I am getting around this for just my use case with (defun text-property-equal (t1 t2) (and (equal (text-properties-at 0 t1) (text-properties-at 0 t2)) (string= t1 t2)))
    – xdl
    Commented Jun 29, 2018 at 0:36

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