I just built Emacs 26.1 (stable) on Centos 6 (RHEL 6.9). When I fire up the executable with src/emacs -Q over X11 it shows an empty window with no minibuffer:

Failing Emacs 26.1

I built Emacs without gnutls, but that should be possible. Do I miss any essential libraries?

According to this question the issue might be related to the X-toolkit I'm using (GTK2). Does Emacs 26 not support GTK2?

The output of my ./configure --without-gnutls can be seen in this gist; the output of the make all in this.


  1. The build runs fine in a terminal via src/emacs -Q -nw

  2. I have built Emacs 25 on the same machine and it runs successfully over X11.

  • Not an expert on this, but I'd try starting Emacs in GDB and looking for suspicious messages it might print during initialization.
    – wvxvw
    Commented Jun 29, 2018 at 8:23
  • Text inside the frame isn't drawn with any widget toolkit, and GTK2 widgets seem to show correctly. It's either a problem with double buffering introduced in 26 or freetype2.
    – user12563
    Commented Aug 7, 2018 at 15:50
  • @DoMiNeLa10 It is caused by double buffering. See the answer.
    – halloleo
    Commented Aug 8, 2018 at 1:28

1 Answer 1


Emacs 26 by default switches on double buffering for X servers when it finds the Xdbe header on the build machine. (See Emacs 26 release notes at the GitHub mirror.) Some X servers like MobaXTerm don’t support this.

So just switch off double buffering by adding '(inhibit-double-buffering . t) to your frame parameters. Safest way is to add it to default-frame-alist:

(setq default-frame-alist
      (append default-frame-alist '((inhibit-double-buffering . t))))

Credit: This tip comes originally from the bug-gnu-emacs list. (Thanks Eli and Robert!)

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